Will Vortech MP40W work on 72b bowfront?


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I have a 72g bowfront 1/4 round tank and there is not enough clearance on the two sides for an MP40W but it would fit on one of the two back panels on either side of the filter intake. Does anyone know if this would work?

I am no fluid dynamics expert, but I would think it would work great on a half round. Jeremy has several on the back of a rectangular tank with good flow, so one or more on the back of a half round should work even better since the flow shoudl jsut kinda swirl around...right?
I have a 72 gallon bow front that will be set up and installed next week. I bought one of the Vortech's from Tim's group buy yesterday. I would say that it would work. Like Derek I am not a fluid dynamics expert eiither but I would think it would work.
Why is there not enough clearance on the sides? If I recall, a 72 bow has 12 inch deep sides. Or are you saying there's no room because of your aquascape? What's a 1/4 round?
You may need another pump on the other side. With only one vortech there is usually a lack of flow on the oposite side, thats why I went with two.
rostato;312718 wrote: You may need another pump on the other side. With only one vortech there is usually a lack of flow on the oposite side, thats why I went with two.

I thought those things could push 3000 gph, no? How could there be a lack of flow ANYWHERE in a tank that size? :eek:
Well if you have it turned up all the way a sand storm is inevitable, and ytouy'll have 3000GPH on one side of thew tank only. I used an MP20 on my 36" tank by itself and there was not enough flow on the oposite side. Same thing on my 90. I had one mp40 running, and there wasnt enough flow on the oposite side...hence teo pumps.

Now I am not saying you need another vortech...maybe like a modded maxijet or koralia over on the other side woudl be fine.
Trey, look up oceanic 1/4 round. You will see what they mean by no sides... :)

O, nevermind, I found apichttp://www.bostonreefers.org/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=43027&stc=1&d=1231214003" alt="" />

THis is al least what i am ASSUMING they mean, but as far as I know oceanic only akes a 34 and a 92 gal in this. I assume the second post meant to correct "72" to "92"
Yeah, I'm lost now. The picture you show is a corner tank, in my mind. A bow front is a bow front, and a 1/2 round is a semi-circle. Either way, while I have no personal experience with a MP40W yet, I would think it could handle providing enough flow on a 72G of any shape.
Right, but a 1/2 round and a corner/quarter round are bowfronts too, so someone might call them that even though most us us just say corner or half round.

But I agree, unless you want some seriousl flow, I think one would be plenty. Maybe if it was mostly sps, 2. But it will be hard to predict until you get the rocks and stuff in there and see.
This should help: As you can see there is no clearance on the left and right sides but there is room in the back. If you look at the front view you'll see two Koralia's. I'd replace one, but I'm worried the water would only be focused on one side.
i dont think that would work since the motors are on the outside if i am not mistaken, unless u got something in the overflow that is totally dry it would be impossible to put it in there, maybe you should pull the tank out a little so you can have space on the sides for 1.
There is room on either side of filter intake that is just the back wall of the tank. I'd take out one of the Koralias and replace it with the Vortech. The motor side would be completely dry and external to the tank, but it would be on one side.
That's a great looking tank, but I'm sure it's PITA to deal with sometimes! If you can work in one of the Vortechs, I'm sure that would suffice.
It's definitely a challenge. I can't get beside it or behind it and it would take a ladder to see what's in the overflow. My wife surprised me with it for my birthday in January and when she sprung it on me it was all set up and running with 20lbs of live rock, a sump and circulating water. I've learned a lot in the last three months. Mostly how to say "No, I can't just buy a fish and put it in the tank..."

Thanks to all for the advice!