Will's 210 Mixed Reef


New Member
Reaction score
Dallas, GA

I've had this 210 for about a year and change. A 65 before then for about two years.

The goal is lots of colorful coral, engaging fish, and a balanced ecosystem.

Some of the larger rocks were put in last week after a marathon vermetid snail manual removal.

This thread should be a build log/discussion/showoff as everything grows in.
Nice looking tank! I like your incorporation of coral skeletons into the aquascape; it will look very natural once you have coral re-encrusting it.
I will suggest you add morr rock though, as I'm not seeing enough hiding spots for fish to tuck into at night. Especially tangs, they like to be secure at night and can actually become more susceptible to Ich when they don't have a secure sleeping spot. More rock = more comfortable fish = less illness. I haven't needed to medicate sick fish because I feed whole foods (guts and bones) and they each have several spots to hide, so they recover on their own and my CUC eats the Ich cysts when they fall off.
Very excited to see how this tank matures. My first ever large tank was a 210, I miss having so much space haha.
Thanks! Natural reef is what I was going for. Coral lives, grows, dies, and more coral grows over it.

I actually have a bunch more rock in my fuge (part of the great snail purge) I just haven't quite got there yet and wanted to get the big stuff in place first.

I've got a decent clean up crew. So far I have another clown and powder blue tang in the QT.