Would algae cover a hard coral that is alive?


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I picked up a piece of LR with orange ricordia on it from a member, and it's doing fine. There were also two (1-2") pieces of some hard coral... shaped like a cactus. That's all I can tell about it because he had a little bit of an algae issue going on. The rock had a fair amount on it. Most is gone now thanks to my CUC, but they didn't touch what was on the corals. They look like they have little brown/green fur coats on.

I broke a piece off while placing the rock, and for the heck of it I mounted it to a plug and put it on my frag rack.

Neither that piece nor the one that is still on the rock have changed their appearance at all in the 2 weeks that have passed. I've seen no polyps or anything from them yet.

I'm guessing that the fact that they are coated means they're dead, right? I can post a pic if need be but it's lights out right now.
Pic would be cool. Sounds like they are just skeletons which are more pourous and trap more nutrients that the algae can root and feed on
+1. Never on live tissue. "just dead" or "mostly dead" (excuse the movie reference), yes, but not on anything healthy.
ok, what about on a fish? coraline to be exact... i swear there is some on my scooter blenny. its creepy but gives him some color :)

sorry to hijack thread but it popped in to my head