Would you do this to your Tang?

Seriously irritating that the ban on Hawaiian fishing is for people wanting to keep them alive but killing and eating them is totally fine.
I remember working at Cap Bay and having asians see the huge valmingi tangs and tell me how they eat them back home.

Youre just getting worked up because you see a fish that costs $300 to get here. They used to be collected so much they were $30, which is why export was banned. One dude catching 20 is a lot different than 50 collectors taking 10,000+ every year.

Also its tictok....if youre over 20 why are you on tictok?
Seriously irritating that the ban on Hawaiian fishing is for people wanting to keep them alive but killing and eating them is totally fine.
How many fish in this hobby die before it even hits the shelves at a LFS. Then how many die when the hobbyist get it. On top of that, how many die within a few years.

I don’t see any issue with people killing something for food over a hobby or sport. NGL... Those actually look good, reminds me of when I was a kid eating bluegills or bream.

Yes, why is OP on tiktok?
People have been eating them long before the reef hobby came around. Maxima clams are grown for meat in other countries and our dumbasses are paying $2-3-400 for one. What is exotic to us is normal to them

I watched a documentary on sourcing spring water and one guy in the town said you idiots are buying the same water I flush my toilet with…it leaves a lasting impression
I’ve eaten tangs and giant clams before. They taste like fish. So I don’t understand why anyone would be mad at natural behavior from fishman
Looks good to me. We have bass and bream here in Georgia that people catch and eat all the time. In Hawaii they have tangs. I imagine it is a common thing to go catch some tangs and cook them up.
I remember working at Cap Bay and having asians see the huge valmingi tangs and tell me how they eat them back home.

Youre just getting worked up because you see a fish that costs $300 to get here. They used to be collected so much they were $30, which is why export was banned. One dude catching 20 is a lot different than 50 collectors taking 10,000+ every year.

Also its tictok....if youre over 20 why are you on tictok?

This is why developing methods to breed fish like those in captivity is so important to the hobby. Honestly I hope we get to a time where most coral and fish are aquacultured rather than collected in the wild.
How many fish in this hobby die before it even hits the shelves at a LFS. Then how many die when the hobbyist get it. On top of that, how many die within a few years.

I don’t see any issue with people killing something for food over a hobby or sport. NGL... Those actually look good, reminds me of when I was a kid eating bluegills or bream.

Yes, why is OP on tiktok?

I realize all that, that's not the point. It's more upsetting to ban collections on the aquarium trade from one of the most studied, regulated and sustainable marine ecosystems around. It was something activists pushed for and managed to get despite all the research to the contrary and it's likely going to get worse.

Things may yet change though.

I realize all that, that's not the point. It's more upsetting to ban collections on the aquarium trade from one of the most studied, regulated and sustainable marine ecosystems around. It was something activists pushed for and managed to get despite all the research to the contrary and it's likely going to get worse.

Things may yet change though.

That is good news. If they are doing it sustainably I do not understand why it would be disallowed.
Haha. I remember snorkeling in the Bahamas and seeing about 50 purple tangs swimming below me; I almost cried
I would not go out to hunt and eat a tang. Kinda reminds me of a panfish (bream/crappie) and I stay away from those too when I'm fishing. I really don't like cleaning fish; I do like eating them. For me personally the effort/reward equation is unbalanced with panfish (and probably tangs). Too much effort for two small fillets. I've clean a lot of fish over the years and I currently have a 2 lb minimum fish weight to even consider keeping one.
I remember working at Cap Bay and having asians see the huge valmingi tangs and tell me how they eat them back home.

Youre just getting worked up because you see a fish that costs $300 to get here. They used to be collected so much they were $30, which is why export was banned. One dude catching 20 is a lot different than 50 collectors taking 10,000+ every year.

Also its tictok....if youre over 20 why are you on tictok?