Would you file a claim?


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I picked up a plug and play GEO 612 calcium reactor setup for a great price. Got it this afternoon and of course those is what is get when I opened the box.

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It looks like it doesn't affect the cylinder at all, I do have it filled to see if it leaks, but do you think it's worth hanging on to? I'm not sure if down the road it could fail on me. I informed the shipper and he said just give the word and he'll file a claim on it.
file... but it does look like an easy fix. just have another piece of acrylic under it all and clue the heck outa it :eek:)
If you need help let me know. Simple fix and I have the Weldon needed for said fix. UPS will deny the claim unless he used an amazing amount of packing and packed like a pro. Been there done that. He should have removed the pump that was dumb and another reason UPS will deny the claim. I can fix it for free or take a chance. Tell the seller it's about $8-10 in parts to fix and have him give you that back. Worth it for him not to have to deal with it. Even if it leaks a little we will seal it up tight.

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I would be kind of worried as the base plate broke right at the edge of the reactor. Try to fill it and have it running under pressure to see if it leaks. I picked up a reactor and the seller said it didn't leak but when I put it under pressure it did leak. It didn't leak for him because he had it set up for a normal syphon, when I got it I set it up with a feed pump and it put the reactor under pressure and one of the fittings leaked. I ended up breaking the fitting when I tried fixing it and now I'm going mad trying to find a replacement. If I were you I would just return it, paypal will return your money for you if the seller doesn't. You have good prove with that picture. Also check the date on that CO2 tank because if it's over 5 years old, I don't think anyone will fill it for you. Happened to me on the reactor I picked up. Tank was empty and I took it to a paintball place to get it filled and the tank was 6 years old. Had to pay $70 for a new tank after a $30 credit for the old tank. I didn't bother the seller on it because I got the package for a killer deal and the co2 regulator was worth more then what I paid for everything. So I just went on about it on my own trying to fix it if I can.
I've been talking with the seller and it looks like things are getting worked out. I will update this thread as things unfold. Hopefully it will be made better.
HiImSean;948641 wrote: I've been talking with the seller and it looks like things are getting worked out. I will update this thread as things unfold. Hopefully it will be made better.
That is great you have a cooperative Seller. So many similar situations you read about on other forums the Seller tells the Buyer to pound sand, and you have to go thru PayPal disputes, etc.
Well I finally have some good news and hopefully the end of this ordeal to report. UPS finally came through with the credit/refund. Things were worked out with the seller and is getting a replacement reactor body/pump mount at cost because he works for Premium Aquatics. Getting it shipped out this weekend so I'll have it next week when I get back in town.
Those sellers are more and more difficult to find these days! Glad it worked out.