Would you run a skimmer with a FOWLR


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1 messy fish with 30 gallons of water and 18 pounds of live rock, filtered with a Magnum 350.

Do you think I need to run a skimmer on the tank?
Why not? There's a guy on the forum selling an aquaC remora...
I would..... I live in the "you can't overskim" camp....
only 1 fish in a 30g - i would'nt, water changes and siphon the sand bed occasionally.
you do not need a skimmer but a skimmer does more than get rid of doc it oxygenates the tank and other things i can not think of.
Dakota9;102119 wrote: Vote in the pole guys........
I'm hoping that's not a euphemism.... :doh:

I will, however, vote in the poll.... :)
Before a few years ago, I never run a skimmer in a FOWLR, but now after years of invert keeping, I guess I'm wondering how I ever lived w/o a skimmer........ Funny how things seem essential once you become accustomed to them...
mojo;102123 wrote: I'm hoping that's not a euphemism.... :doh:

I will, however, vote in the poll.... :)


That one slipped past spell chek....</em>

Freudian Slip?</em>
I say yes, other benefits as well as skimming. ie gas exchange, more stable ph.
I would. It will help with the amonia cycle. If it's a heavy stocked FO then really yes. LOL!
Dakota9;102243 wrote: I'm shocked at the "pro-skimmer" replies.

Well the poll (or pole, your choice!) asks in general if we'd run a skimmer on a FOWLR tank. Most reefers would say yes, as evidenced by the poll results.

In the message you ask if YOU should run it on a 30 gal with one fish. It's a different question from the poll question. I for one, answered yes to the poll, but I don't know that I'd invest in a skimmer in that situation as long as I kept up with water changes, etc. 'course in the 'old days' I kept a FO tank with 4-5 fish with an undergravel filter and a Magnum 350. I actually bought a piece of LR once---'cause it had cool Christmas Tree worms on it, not for filtration. But then--I had hair back then too!
Geehh;102425 wrote: but I don't know that I'd invest in a skimmer in that situation as long as I kept up with water changes, etc. 'course in the 'old days' I kept a FO tank with 4-5 fish with an undergravel filter and a Magnum 350. I actually bought a piece of LR once---'cause it had cool Christmas Tree worms on it, not for filtration. But then--I had hair back then too!

Ok, heres the saga (well the Cliff's Note"s version anyway).........

I originally thought I would not need a skimmer for my son's tank, so I sold my Aqua C. Later the same night, I learned that a couple of members thought I should run a skimmer, so I started the pole (I mean poll). Due to the overwhelming response to +skimmer, and a generous offer from yet another member, I bought a different Aqua C which is in transit through the mail now. Since the prices were a wash (other than shipping) this was not an expensive mistake. Just "Much Ado About Nothing" (of which I did read the Cliff's Note's version of, which brings this saga to full circle).

Moral of the story: Poll first, sell later!

Geehh, I too ran several FOWLR tanks with a UGF and a Magnum 350, and had hair back then too. It's like we're living Parallel Lives!!!!!!!</em>

(Actually, I had a perm'ed Mullet that went half-way down my back!!!!!!! LOL, Now the only hair I have going down my back is, well.... Attached there!!!!)