Wounded fish, any suggestions?


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My coral beauty got caught into the plumbing on my overflow. When I went to get him/her out I noticed he/she had some wounds/sores on it's dorsal fin and it's abdomen. Looks like he/she was wiggling around and hurt itself. The last day or so it has been hiding behind rocks etc. Today it is just swimming in the same spot behind a rock, almost hovering behind it. Anything that can be done to help heal or ease its pain?:sad:

Oh the sores are like whitish skin looking. Almost like a human would endure via roadrash etc.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

The best thing you can probably do is healthy feeding. Make sure the fish is still eating and it should clear up on its own. You could do a meth blue dip for its antiseptic properties but that could end up stressing him out even more by removing him from his environment. If it gets infected then you will have to take action. He probably is hiding right now because he feels vulnerable and my guess is he will be back to normal in no time!
I don't have a QT but I have a 20g that always checks 100% when I do my param checks. I caught it and put it in there. Hopefully it will get to feeling better. Feel bad that its hurting and not much I can do for it. :sad:


Good for you for a) being able to catch it and b) taking action like that. Being that is out of the tank you have some options... you can give it a meth blue dip to help as an antiseptic. Try a little of prime in the QT (which may or may not be that effective, who knows) or like I said, just keep feeding and make sure he is eating and the wound isn't getting any worse and you shouldn't have anything to worry about. Fish are amazing little creatures that can tolerate alot! Hope that helps :)
Thanks! I will keep an eye on it and update should anything change. I might wait on a dip for a day or so since it might be stressed from the tank swap. But I will be sure to monitor its behavior.

Thanks to all for the input/advice!

Nick, Can you take a pic when he comes out. that would help a lot! Let us know if he develops any infections or fungus. Look for either really red areas or white cotton like patches. If so, then you got a problem and you are not too far away that I could bring over some meds. If not I would not worry too much about it. If you want, I got some special blend food that should help him to heal that I have made. You can come down to Lawrenceville and pick up some or meet me at the next meeting. Like I said, he should be ok though.
I am sad to report that this lil one has passed on. It did well until I moved it. Guess the added stress was more then it could handle. Upon removing it from the tank I insptected it and noticed that it had blood coming out of its gills along with the abrasions etc from the original post. I guess when it got caught in the overflow plumbing it might have paniced and injured itself more then had it just sat there. I am going to try to remedy the overflow issue. I will take some pictures of my overflows and see if anyone can give me a good idea to remedy this. I don't wanna loose another fish to the same thing. :sad:

Thanks for everyones help tho. Much appreciated!
Awww... I am sorry you lost him. You tried your best but sometimes the trama they experience is far worse than we can actually see. :sad: I think a resolution for the problem is definately a good idea. Hopefully someone will be able to advise you as to how to prevent this in the future.