Wow, great things coming


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OK, so y'all know that I do not write reviews of stores and sponsors too much. a) I do not have too many nice things to say about some places and b) Now that I am the President of the ARC, I kind of curb what I say since I do not want people to think <u>I</u> speak for the entire club. But today I think I am going to make an exception.

I went into SEA/MRC today to pick up something special for the club as a raffle item. (Come to the Feb meeting to see what!) I must say, I have not been in there since Tim and SEA took over MRC. Needless to say, I was very impressed. Tim showed me around the shop and let me see some of the very cool things they have been developing. They have finally been developing skimmers, reactors and sumps for MY size tanks (55gal and 40gal)! Needlewheel skimmers with bubble plates that looked pretty PIMP and worked like a champ in their testing tanks. Some of the BEST sump designs that I have seen or could even dream up both for smaller and huge tanks. Sumps with micro sock flows and great fuges built in! It was awesome to see what they could build. I got to say, I was never too fond of MRC. It seemed like to me the designs never changed and they were not on the cutting edge of new technology or products. I must say, My opinion has quickly changed after today's visit. I think I will look to Tim and MRC when I get the cash for a new sump/fuge to replace my jimmy rigged one on my 40 gal tank.

<span style="font-size: 11px;"><span style="color: silver;">All views expressed here are the sole views of me as an individual and not the views of the ARC as a whole. I have not been paid, bribed, or given a luxury vacation for the above review or experience. I am not only the president of the Hair Club for Men, I am also a member. </span></span>
wow NW skimmers with bubble plates, I cant wait - i bet they will rock!
No I did not happen to take any photos. I was not on the sight seeing tour. ;) Although I was googlie eyed the whole time.
That is great to hear. I would love to see what they have for a sump for a 55. Would this be something they have in stock or something that would need to be special ordered?
<span style="font-family: Century Gothic;"><span style="color: Navy;">Thank you for the kind words Brandon - and we are happy to help out for the raffle on Tuesday!

The warehouse is in Lawrenceville -

We will have stock sumps - but are nimble and quick for special orders also! We are also going to keep stocks of our protein skimmers; calcium reactors; nilsen reactors; pumps; etc...

We are doing a strong push for new products - Tim is working from dawn to dusk doing R&D - let us know what new products you would like to see and we will look into them also!

Thank you for your support!

Is the website up to date etc? I'm going to up grade parts of my system, probably with a new sump.
A few weeks ago I bought a 80+ gal reef sump and calcium reactor from Tim. I love the quality of their products. I think I will have him also build my next tank.
Margi;134410 wrote: <span style="font-family: Century Gothic;"><span style="color: navy;">Thank you for the kind words Brandon - and we are happy to help out for the raffle on Tuesday!</span></span>

<span style="font-family: Century Gothic;"><span style="color: navy;">The warehouse is in Lawrenceville - </span></span>

<span style="font-family: Century Gothic;"><span style="color: navy;">We will have stock sumps - but are nimble and quick for special orders also! We are also going to keep stocks of our protein skimmers; calcium reactors; nilsen reactors; pumps; etc...</span></span>

<span style="font-family: Century Gothic;"><span style="color: navy;">We are doing a strong push for new products - Tim is working from dawn to dusk doing R&D - let us know what new products you would like to see and we will look into them also!</span></span>

<span style="font-family: Century Gothic;"><span style="color: navy;">Thank you for your support!</span></span>

<span style="font-family: Century Gothic;"><span style="color: navy;">Margi</span></span>

No Margi, Thank you. Again, I normally would not write a "review" and my review has nothing to do with the gift you gave, although it was really nice of y'all. I was truely impressed. I am sorry I did not get to see you today. I gave Cameron a call right afterwards and said something to the extent of "Dude, We need to test some of these new skimmers out!" I am really excited about the things you have been coming up with over there. Affordable skimmers for my size tanks, finally! Tim really seemed to have his hand on the pulse of what was going on and it was REALLY nice to see. When you have the R&D done, I might just need a skimmer for my 40 gallon tank. I might just have to save my pennies and try one of these new things out when they are ready.
Jumping into the NW market is a great start. Well known for the bodies on the skimmers it will be great to see what they can do with a good pump.

As for new/improved products, I know the HOB skimmer market is pretty lame. Build a good one of those and you will likely have a lot of traffic. An improved media reactor with multiple chambers would be a nice addition. I like canister filters for this job, but a nice clean easy to maintain reactor could get me to switch and certainly earn kudos. A drop in and/or hang on sump would be nice as well. I know when I started I really didn't want to do all the plumbing and such and would have loved a unit that hung off the back or dropped in the tank that had a real skimmer, fuge and return section. The concept of the sump can be improved IMO.
The website is in the process of being completely redone - the information on the old one (currently what you see when you go to"></a> ) is (mostly) correct - we just don't have any of the new stuff on there.

HOPEFULLY the new website will be up in the next week.

We just celebrated our 3 month anniversary yesterday - Woo Hoo!!!

Thank you for the ideas Cameron - keep them coming! If it is made of acrylic - we can make it, just need to make sure it is marketable (and profitable :) ).

Cameron;134488 wrote: An improved media reactor with multiple chambers would be a nice addition..

Dude, you and I think TOO much alike. I mentioned the SAME thing to Tim yesterday. Just short of laying out the design plans for him. He says there is a company doing it already but I think with their craftsmanship, we could come up with a really cool design. :thumbs: