
seedless reefer

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What is going on? We lost another fish today and several others are sick.

Members losing fish all over the place today.
I have started having some problems lately with my tank. No fish at the moment, but a leather has gotten all pissed off as well as yellow polyps. Xenia and hammer and colt / kenya are all doing fine. Temp has been higher for me though lately. I am at the moment attributing that.
46bfinga;64262 wrote: Not good Loren,which fish did you lose today?

It was in my tank, not Loren's ... bi-colored blenny (Jack Blenny ~ my fave). No symptons last night except for odd behavior (he was extremely active in the water column instead of doing his usual darting in and out of the rocks).

He ate this a.m.

At 6:30 this evening when we got home, we found him dead.
Sorry to hear that.I hate losing them when there appears to be nothing wrong with them.
Has he been fighting with any other fish in the tank in the last few days?
kappaknight;64334 wrote: Has he been fighting with any other fish in the tank in the last few days?

Havent really seen any aggression in my tank. Every now and the a damsel will *escort* a fish out of is area but there's nothing consistently chasing or pestering anything else.