Wrasse Help


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Well I got another wrasse (carpenters flasher I think) the other day from Blue Planet and its a small guy about 2-2.5" and its other tank companion is another carpenter's flasher wrasse from Barbara at about 3" maybe a little more. Well, the big one chased the little one around for a little while then got bored I guess and left him alone... now keep in mind when I got the smaller on it had its fins open the whole tim I was looking at it at the store. Now it hides by the back overflow and comes out to eat and such but doesn't, well, can't flash its fins to long before the biggie sees him and rushes over.... what can I do to where the become friends? I thought they weren't territorial... do I need a female?

On the plus side the biggie is out more and constantly flashing now, as long as the camera isn't out :) lol
I had 2 scotts males that never got along either. The larger one ended up destroying the smaller one. (was impossible to catch in my tank). If you can get him out, I would do so asap. Best of luck to you.
Yup a 40G is a bit too small to house 2 males together. I would remove one.
Cory, feel free to drop it off at my house. I'll leave the door open. You can even grab one of these huge spaghetti leathers. BTW, how are those mushrooms? Take a pic for me!
atreyu917;331271 wrote: Trade him in and get a McCoskers!

I might even got something more different than a McCosker's. They look very</em> similar to the Carpenters. I am afraid Cory might have the same aggression issues???

Check out the blue-sided fairies. They are gorgeous. :D
Well, I was told that having two males would be ok and a female in a 40br and it was sold to me as a filamented (i think) flasher wrasse. but when I got it home it looked like the carpenter flasher wrasse I already housed. however if i can get the lil dude out i will trade him out for another fish... Kels, I like that fish's fin and colors but stacey may be correct in that the color maybe be close in comparison to the carpenter's.

Barb, said that the fairy wrasses picked on the carpenter's while housed in her tank so I am skeptical to get one and have the same problem...

suxs I can only afford this size tank right now or I would have a 125 or more with wrasses and my clowns and others... i can see it now..... lol
Ok, well I have been watching my tank for about 20min randomly through out the past few days and is there even the slightest chance that the temper of the wrasse I got from Barbara could subside? I am currently watching now and there is no chasing or hiding or anything like that... actually the Carpenter's Wrasse I got from Barb, will terrorize the dottyback i got a while back that I asked to be verified its correct name. though he doesn't do it all the time just on occasion... could this be possible?
Well, that wrasse you got from me was bullied pretty badly for a long time, so maybe he's getting his "mean" on. (This is Barbara posting from my neighbor's computer, btw.)
Haha, funny Barbara... maybe but he seems to be calm now, they both look gorgeous swimming around flashing there fins, to bad they know when I have my camera out... they look amazing :)
sometimes they're not 100% at blue planet. they just go off the invoice, which is not always right. They have a billion books to go through to verify if your not 100%. but I would assume the two will not get along.