Wrasse id


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Can someone I'd this wrasse for me plz?

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Melanurus Fairy Wrasse?? I think the yellow patch behind the pectoral fins are a giveaway

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Melanurus, not a fairy wrasse though. Needs sand to sleep in and will eat crustaceans. Generally peaceful wrasses. Mine is pretty chill, just swims around picking at things all day. He'll eat anything though, flakes, pellets, mysis.
I've had peppermint shrimp disappear and seen it go for hermits and snails before.
why did you put a fish in your tank not knowing what it was..lol
what if that species grew 4 feet long?
heathlindner25;967717 wrote: why did you put a fish in your tank not knowing what it was..lol
what if that species grew 4 feet long?
Well mister smart @!# I text the pic of the wrasse to a buddy of mine right after posting it here and he told me.. did a fast search of the fish and seen it would be ok in the size tank I have and that it was reef safe with caution. . Didn't hit me that it might eat my shrimp. . If I need to I will find it a new home. But as of now he is fine.. btw do me a favor don't post in any of my threads anymore thanks and have a good day..
bcrueter;967733 wrote: well at 4 ft he would be easy to catch :)
Guess he should ask what size tank I put him in before asking that. Or what size he come out of or where I got it.. that guy only wants to stir up stuff. .
jtsreef;967741 wrote: Guess he should ask what size tank I put him in before asking that. Or what size he come out of or where I got it.. that guy only wants to stir up stuff. .

I just think it's hilarious that people will get into this hobby , and do absolutely no research on a animal before they buy it... why don't you just report me to the mods.... wait that didn't work last time...lol
100%hydrophylic;968942 wrote: I got a melanarus recently, but I have read a lot about them. Mine has eaten some micro brittle stars, asternea stars, and he has nipped at some larger snails but they just close up tight and he moves on. They are very active fish, and I would think they are very difficult to catch in a stocked tank. He leaves hermits alone. In general, id say all of your cleanup crew are in danger of being harrassed, but I domt think he can actually eat most of them. Then have really small mouths.
I'm not worried about the snails and crabs as much as I am the shrimp lol..
jtsreef;967741 wrote: that guy only wants to stir up stuff. .

But it's ok for you do do the same thing right??

You can go around talking smack but can't seem to take any of it
The shrimp i wouldn't know about. Mine is 4" plus. Great fish. Never stays still, dosent bother any other fish or cause any problems at all. He does see his reflection on the back glass (painted black) and flare up at itself so i'd guess another one like him is out of the question lol. He is not the only wrasse i have in there.
I strongly agree with what Brian just typed. Food is his number one goal. He eats more of the dried seaweed than do my tangs. He will come right to my hand if hold it. If you want to get rid of it let me know.:up:
Acandoit;968963 wrote: Can't speak for all Melanurus but mine is easily the most active fish in the tank and I have no doubt would devour a peppermint shrimp. He stays away from the cleaner shrimp in the tank though. They have been together for a couple years so I would say the cleaner is safe.

As far as catching, wiggle a little frozen food in the tank with a net and I have no doubt I could catch him in seconds...his food instinct is over riding his don't get caught instinct!
So far both shrimp are ok. I'm going to make sure he gets all the food he wants lol. As for getting rid of him I think he's in his forever home. I will let you guys know if that changes.. thanks for the info guys
phnman372;968962 wrote: The shrimp i wouldn't know about. Mine is 4" plus. Great fish. Never stays still, dosent bother any other fish or cause any problems at all. He does see his reflection on the back glass (painted black) and flare up at itself so i'd guess another one like him is out of the question lol. He is not the only wrasse i have in there.

phnman372;968964 wrote: I strongly agree with what Brian just typed. Food is his number one goal. He eats more of the dried seaweed than do my tangs. He will come right to my hand if hold it. If you want to get rid of it let me know.:up: