WTB DIY 2 part Cal / Alk Supplements


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Before ordering the supplies online to make this 2 part additive has anyone found them local? Article mentions Home Depot, but wanted to check.

MAG Flake Magnesium Chloride by Dead Sea Works &
Dow Flake Calcium Chloride

I went with the same company and was happy with the product. It really doesn't get much easier to use.
The two part solution website was where I was going to place my order if I couldn't find the Dow and Mag flakes locally.

The other ingrediants I could get at a Kroger or CVS.

The reefvideo site is a really cool concept!
I have a Pinpoint Calcium Monitor Big D you are welcome to use. It is a bit tricky to get right, but it does give you a good idea where you are sitting.
Darren,Yep you got it. The trick for me what to figure out how much they can fit into two boxes to minimize the shipping fee. I got bulk 16 cups of the Ca and Mg each which maxes out one box. Then in a second box I got the 12g or 6g kit. I cannot remember which size. Just make up a couple shopping carts and find the "sweet spot" as far as shipping goes. It is a good deal... much cheaper than LFS however you can get a terrific deal if we could find DowFlake and Mg Flake bags locally. :) :) :)
According to the docs:

Display Range: 000.0 – 9,772 ppm Ca+
Resolution: 000.2 ppm
Accuracy: +/- 2% of the reading after calibration