Xenia Dying?


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Hello all!

I am pretty new to this hobby and I went and picked up a large piece of xenia last night. Later in the evening after introducing it into the tank it was doing well and pulsating. Today it is very limp and looks almost inverted. My water quality is ok whats going on?


i can tell you that some people have xenia growing like weeds and some people cant keep it alive......the xenia in my tank when i first got it was fine for a day or so and then it looked like it had shrunken all the way up and was gone just looked like a ball of pinkish brown stuff. Then 2 days later i woke up and it was pulsating again. (did i mention my first xenia frag melted away) The one i was referring to in this post was my 2nd xenia frag. and nothing changed in my tank between the first and the 2nd so don't ask me what happened to the first frag to cause it to die and what happened to the 2nd to cause it to live. I have just heard that it is hit or miss.

good things its free/cheap.
Do you dose any amino acids or vitamin C? also it like crappy water, so it does great in my tanks :)
I have a piece of silver xenia that does not reproduce, but one or two days every few weeks, it will look shriveled, than it comes right back....
My Xenia is out of control! But it was slow at first. I found as Washowi said, that my Xenia prefered dirtier water. Not like visibly dirtier, but I just backed off on my skimmer a bit and with in a week it was thriving.

How long has your tank been set up?
How big is your tank?
How big is your skimmer?
yep the tanks that I have it in, I do not have skimmers on them...never did.

and if you dose vitamin C it will kill it...
Also, for me...it seems to not like Metal Halide lights.....at least for me....
samschwitz;215924 wrote: Hello all!

I am pretty new to this hobby and I went and picked up a large piece of xenia last night. Later in the evening after introducing it into the tank it was doing well and pulsating. Today it is very limp and looks almost inverted. My water quality is ok whats going on?



<span style="color: black;">When I first read "Xenia Dying" the first thing that came to mind is... WOW you're lucky... </span>

<span style="color: black;">I put the stuff in a tank once... only once... and never again. I couldn't kill it with sulfuric acid... LOL I even went away for 4 months to a military school and left it to my wife to take care of my tank... Needless to say when I go home I found out that not one water change had been done and feeding was random to say the least.... She did tell me that she added water whenever she noticed it was down... and had time . In the end all that happened to my tank was one great thing... all the Xenia died... My recommendation is to count your blessings and find something else cool... </span>

<span style="color: black;">Of course this is just my opinion.</span>
I have stopped my protein skimmer and it seems to be slowly opening back up. I appreciate all of the help guys!