Xenia question


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So I had what I thought was a nice size thriving Xenia but started noticing a few days ago that I was missing a stalk. I thought to myself maybe it wasn't there and I was going crazy. This morning the same thing. Looks like the stalk just completely went away and all that's left is a very tiny footprint. What the heck is that? I have heard that Xenia can just die overnight but really?

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And the small footprint is right in front of another stalk that is shrinking.

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Yes really it can. While most claim that Xenia is easily kept and grows like a "weed"....I have also had this happen. While I can't point to one thing specifically that caused the die off, I do believe that Xeniz is one of those corals that likes "dirty" water.

With that said, how's your parameters? High Alk could irritate Xenia and cause die off. The larger colony that you have doesn't look happy in the pic above.
yeah the larger colony and rest haven't been happy since i introduced GFO/Carbon.

Alk - 9.1
Calc - 440
Mag - 1250
PO4 - 0
PH - 8.2
Salinity - 1.024
Ammonia - 0
Nitrate - 0
Nitrite - 0
I noticed rapid growth previously when my water was "dirtier" but the rock that I have of it has not grown in over 6 months. Not dying but not growing, just there lol
Yeah it hasn't move for sure, I think it's dying due to cleanliness. I started heavy skimming recently too.

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In addition to higher nutrients in the water, which Xenia prefers, do you have anything in the tank that might be eating it?

I had a Coral Beauty years ago that mowed the stuff down like crazy. I had good parameters for the stuff, but the Coral Beauty's appetite for it was insatiable.

Haven't seen my CB nip at it at all, not ruling it out though. I have a foxface, CB, anthia and 4 clowns

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Took a while to catch mine in the act. The 'stump' that is left is what leads me to believe it's a nipper. There one day, stump the next.

If it was all withering at once, I'd suspect water parameters.

My chocolate chip star loved to eat mine. Had them in there together for 4 years and then next thing I know, he was on them with an insatiable appetite.