Xenia VS RBTA..... FIGHT!


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So a new RBTA decided to plant itself right next to a bunch of Xenia. They are now rubbing up against each other. Are there any risks of the Xenia taking out the RBTA or the other way around?
A friend of mine has a Green BTA surrounded by xenia, no fighting yet and they rub like crazy.
My GBTA eventually killed a huge Kenya Tree and lots of xenia. It also started on a Frogspawn but I removed the Frogspawn before it could kill it.
My BTA never bothered anything in my tank, maybe he was always in a good mood? But then I sold him.
When I look at both of them they both seem fine. Waving in the the current banging and weaving with each other. Both don't shrivel or show signs of stress. I was scared the Xenia would release some toxins if it was stressed or something. I'm going to upload a picture of the BTA later because it is in a crazy spot. The space that is has shoved itself into has 2 small openings formed by two rocks that are close together. It makes a figure 8 opening (little bridge in the middle). Half is sticking out one opening and half out the other. Seems like a very uncomfortable position, but it seems happy there. I got lucky that it is right up front though, I've read that these things sometimes like to head to the back where you can't see them.
They will typically wedge their foot into a space like you described. If it's a crevasse or ledge where they feel safe, they will generally stay there. Some will head to the back of the tank and hide, no real reason is understood why they do that...some speculate its poor acclimation, too different of water quality or even the change in lighting. However there are soo many more reasons why that could happen, even all depends on the nem and how they are feeling that day :) hopefully it stays put and causes no problems. Good luck! Can't wait to see a pic...I love nems :)