Yay! My golden dwarf moray finally ate!


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Well after 7 days in my care, my golden dwarf moray finally ate two good sized pieces of squid. I tried feeding him earlier in the week and a piece dropped back to his lair. I think he may have eaten it after I left, but I'm sure. Tonight I saw him eat the pieces with my own eyes. I was so excited I felt like I had to share my success with everyone. I was really starting to get nervous, but I feel much better now. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Jin for all his help and advice with this particular specimen. I would have gone crazy without it. Thanks man.

Happy reefing to everyone!
Congrates..I want to get one too for my new solana I jsut ordered but not sure which route I am gonna go.
Thats awsome, I'm gonna get one soon. I'm ordering it this week:yay: ! I'm so excited! Post some pics please!
Congrats! I got mine @ the beginning of May and he didn't start eating until the middle of June. I was terrified he'd starve.

I feed mine just once a week until he's sated; you have to be careful not to overfeed. If he eats a lot at his feeding, then I might stretch it to 10 days before his next meal.

Looking forward to pictures.

Thanks for all the interest everyone. I'll try to take some pictures of this guy if he ever comes out in the open. He's still pretty reclusive and the only pictures I'll be able to get will have coraline algae in front. I'll do my best though.

1RareFish- I'll surely try the tiger shrimp. I like to give all my fishies a variety of foods. Thanks for the tip!:up:

I forgot earlier, but I wanna thank Raj (Skriz) for giving me the tip about where to get this guy. Thanks for the heads up.:yay::D I ended up getting a heck of a deal on him. I got it from Fish Scales. The people there were very friendly. Pleasure doing business.
I also have a pair of ocellaris clowns, a secretive wrasse, half and half wrasse, yellow watchman goby, neon goby, pearl headed jawfish, and a tomini tang. It's a 75 gallon. I'll try to put up some pictures soon.
Jamie that's great to hear :yay:. It always stressful when a fish won't eat... especially one that's this expensive.:D

I used to feed mine every day for many months until he wouldn't eat for 5 weeks... Now I only feed when he's hungry. If he's hungry he tells me by coming out to greet me when I feed the other fish. So... sometimes I feed him on back to back days and then sometimes 3-5 days will go by. I'm a slave to this lil guy but ****it they're so interesting I don't care.

I'm also glad to see that the GDM club is getting bigger every day :)!