Yellow Clown Goby


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Got him at Petco for 5 bucks.. tiny little guy, but not great coloring- he's kind of a pale yellow and you can almost see through him. The guy said that he's been eating, and they had been keeping him for almost 10 days.

I can't get him to eat. It's been 6 days and I've seen him eat one tiny brine shrimpy.. and I'm pretty sure that was by accident.

He perches on my monties, mushrooms, zoas.. pretty much everything.

But I'm afraid he's not gonna make it very long if he doesn't eat something...

Can you put him in a quaranteen tank? I have the same problem with my Copperband Butterfly. Eventually the butterfly got so stressed out from new environment and other fish picking at him. He came down with ick and refuses to eat (didn't really eat much in the beginning, maybe saw him pick at a rock once or twice). So finally I caught him at nite while he was sleeping and gave him a 5 minute freshwater dip, turn on my quaranteen tank. Have him in there for couple of days now.

Bought some live brine shrimps and yesterday was the first day i noticed him eating. Actually he started to eat a lot now. Ick cleared up. So I am gonna leave him in there for 3-4 wks he nurse him back.

So if you have access to a quaranteen tank (preferably bare bottom and maybe one rock). This will help calm the fish and encourage him to feed.
good advice purple I have never personally put a fish in a QT. But I will never buy another Petco fish and if I were to do so QT is a must. I had a really bad experience with a coral beauty from Petco. Looked amazing in the store and when I got it home. Next day ich two days later dead...another two days another fish has ich and next day it died as well. Point of the story a QT sounds like a good idea for you.
Definitely try the QT. Not for desease, but because these guys stress very easily in a new environment and will not eat.

When I bought mine, he would not eat. After reading a bit, I tried some cyclopleeze mixed with some mysis shrimp. He now eats any frozen food. He still won't touch pellets though. He was my only fish though so I didn't need to QT him.
Cyclopeeze might be a good option as mentioned by balagan. I have found many picky eaters will eat those. Also some frozen fish eggs will also be consumed by some picky eaters. Also try soaking the food in some garlic guard or a similar product to try to entice appetite. Good luck.
Forgot to add..I only turn my light on in the QT couple of hours a day. The shortest in the beginning. This gives the fish ample time to sleep and recover. However, I had him down in the basement in a room with no windows.
Btw, don't feel too bad if he/she doesn't make it. Besides the fact that you see these alot at the LFS, they are notorious for not eating and often die.

I hope it does make it though. Our yellow clown goby is still one of our favorites. He loves to perch in my small birdsnest colony. Plus, unlike my perc, he never bites me!
Thanks guys.. I have him moved over to the 29 that is just sitting empty. Will pick up some cyclopeeze this evening, and we'll try it again.

Thank you all!