Yellow Fiji Leather


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Ok..I have had this thing since December and it has not grown at all...It was been at almost every level in my tank with different flow patterns..

Any ideas?
My cabbages are huge.. Everything else is doing fantastic since my mini crash...I just cant seem to get this one going..
treat it like sps. really high light and high random flow. Other then that just keep your alk up and it will do fine.
LOL. Blanka! Nice.

+1 Ender Wiggen. Fiji's are touchy like that. I would consider flow to be more important than light in their regard but that being said they need strong light as well. Tougher to keep than most leathers but definitely worth it.
Speaking of Ender Wiggen what a fantastic book. I only read Enders Game</em> and Enders Shadow</em>, but both were great.
Thanks guys..I'll move it back up somemore and see if I can find some random flowege in there..I need to re mod my koralias..I took the mod off because to much flow
I keep mine right in the path of a vortech. Its so much flow that an SPS would have its flesh blown right off... but the fiji does just fine with it.

Derrick - those two books are the only worthwhile ones in the series imo. :)
I'm a little late to this discussion, but....

I've had a Fiji leather for about 4.5 years now (I just now thought about that... wow...) - it's about 8-9" across, and was about 6" across when I first got it. They simply don't grow that fast, in my experience.

Also- while I don't blast mine with light (well, not really- they're still under 1000w halides... about 250 PAR), it certainly doesn't get a lot of flow. The base moves around a little in the current, and the polyps don't really move that much.

If it's open, it's happy. Just don't expect it to grow super fast.
Mine seem to grow at the same rate as my other leathers which is a decent clip. It's triple the size as the original I got 2 years ago and that's not including the splits... Oddly mine seems to have a tendency to split when it gets to a certain size. I'm not sure if that's a function of the strong flow I have on it or what. Howerver, it has split on me into two separate fijis twice now and its in the process of splitting once more. Bud has one of my splits and its grown quite a bit from the pics I've seen.
The piece of Jin's I have is now at least as big as his original when he got it at the end of July last year. Mine's not in the direct flow of a vortech, but underneath it where it still gets some good water movement.
Yeah I have mine for about 8 months. It has double in size (4 to 8) with good flow. I think I need to cut it back a little though. It is encroaching on my green slimer SPS.
That's funny. I had my yellow leather at the top for months and it wouldn't extend it's polyps. I thought "more light, more flow" like what everyone suggests. It looked pretty sad. Then, on a whim, I put it low near the sand bed. Lo, and behold, it loves it! It has doubled its size in a month. Lower flow, less light. I only have T-5s, but I guess it didn't like it there.

Try that if the more light and more flow doesn't work.