Yellow Watchman Goby Survives!


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So I added a yellow watchman goby and Lawn Mower Blenny to my 125 back in September. The LMB was out in the open and ate just fine. The goby was very shy and I lost site of him. I couldn't find any remains and thought he must have become too stressed and didn't survive. The other critters must have eaten him or something. Well, long behold I'm doing some work on my tank last weekend, and I see that little guy at the bottom of my overflow. My overflows are located in the corners of the tank, and he had jumped between my glass top and over the wall into the overflow. He must have been in there for 4 months. I guess I feed enough that some of the food gets sucked through. I think he may have dined on a few bristle worms here and there. Needless to say I "fished" him out and put him back in the display. It's a huge world compared to where he was! I thought it was funny and wanted to share!!!
I had the same thing happen with my tailspot blenny... he is still back there though.