Yellow Wrasse Question


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<span style="font-family: MS Sans Serif;">So I purchased a Yellow Wrasse on Friday and after acclimating he promptly swam to the bottom of the tank and buried himself. From what I understand that is normal. Well it has been 5 days now and he is still spending most of his time under the sand. I’ve seen him come out for about 30 minutes around lunch time and this was only on Saturday, Sunday, and today. I tried to feed while he was out Sunday and today and it just spooks him and he buries himself back in the sand. I’m feeding Rods. While the fish is out he hangs out in the back corner of the tank swimming in a 6 X 6 inch area, very slowly. Is this just him still acclimating to the tank, or should I be worried? I also noticed that my fairly large fire shrimp was missing a few antennae, could it be the Wrasse going after him at night? </span>
I have two yellow coris wrasses in my 120G and when they first went in they also hid most of the time for a few days buried in the sand. If it looks healthy when it is out for the few minutes then I wouldn't worry too much yet. I have never seen mine out at night and I have two cleaner shrimp and one fire shrimp in the same tank and have not seen any problems with them and the wrasse.
My experience mirrors Budsreef. I have two as well and they hid for a few days, eventually venturing out for longer periods of time. They have never shown interest in my cleaner or coral banded shrimps but I have seen them nip at the mantle of my clam.
So when you guys are saying a couple of days does that mean more than 5? I was expecting to not see him at all for 2 - 3 days after I read up on them but at 5 with him still not eating has me a little concerned.... At what point would you guys start getting worried, 10 days, 15 days?
I would not worry yet. Are there other aggressive fish in the tank? While your fish is out it may be picking food from the rock and sand that you are not seeing. Mine came out after about 3 or 4 days, but did not eat for longer, maybe up to week before I really saw it take any food. Is the tank in a high traffic area, that may cause him to talk longer to adjust as well. You can try soaking the food in garlic to help entice them to eat while they are out. If it looks healthy, I would say give it a few more days. It is looks emaciated then I would probably try to isolate the fish and see if you can get it eating in a seperate tank.
I have a purple fairy wrasse that I put in my tank about 11 days ago and today is the first day it has come out for more than just a couple of minutes so I don't know what the correct timeframe is. I know logically they are probably ok, but emotionally I start worrying on the first day if I don't see a fish.

What else is in the tank, anything that may harrass it? Does it look Ok, when it comes out?
BTW, one of mine spent a couple of weeks in the overflow and was fine. I am guessing it did not get much food in there other than the pods growing in the overflow since food in my tank rarely lasts longer than a few seconds!
Right now he's with a purple firefish that completely ignores him (the times I've seen him out) and a watchman goby that hides all day. Thanks for your commments about the Fairy wrasse and the overflow, that makes me feel better!
good luck with him! Hopefully he will adjust soon and start acting normal.