Yes, your home network is compromised

isn't that true for anything? your TP link router or other routers are also made and built in china and you consent to it when you click on "I agree" button. also, nowadays there also so many smart devices such as door cams, home security system, etc and i would say if you have any networking device, then you're compromised in a way. i'm chinese and i take no offense to the article as i know how the government work back home but what can anyone do about it? going back to stone age is not an option. the best way is really to start/revamp american ingenuity and manufacturing, but i don't think most american are up for the increased cost of these items. also, i'm not a debbie downer, i'm just stating the way it is nowadays and it will take some time before anything realistic/tangible can change/take place.
I am in cyber security and this is a bit of the pot calling the kettle black. We have the exact same laws about sharing data with the government here in the United States. The other ideas that all these devices are on classified networks in the government is also foolish. All that aside I am highly concerned about privacy and the amount of IOT devices and the Wild West attitude in regards to data needs to be tightened up, and I don’t know how you do that on an international scale. I am constantly trying to limit microphones and cameras In my own home but data is the most valuable thing in the world now an the means for collecting more of it are ubiquitous. The great fear is that during a cyber war the Chinese government will be able to the. Everything off. On the other side of the equation people are always looking to spend less money on what they buy, like Chinese produced lighting. The reality is that access to your data is the price you are paying for that discounted equipment. I don’t have the answers

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Much of it is weak device vendors. Not everything is compromised, but you have to be very selective. Or, just accept reality and isolate things as best you can.

Some of us are locking down networks, so now have my own cloud. Looking at using something like Apple HomeKit for most IOT.

Other devices like the Roku are on a guest network and may end up on their own VLANs.