Yet another GSP question too


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I just read GA-PEACHES72's thread about GSP. In the first pic she has, her GSP has long sweeping tentacles. Mine has short tentacles. Its out everyday with a healthy purple mat. Whats the diff between our two? Are there diff species? Our frags look to be about the same size. I have it in moderate flow, half way up my LR. The neon green centers are looking great. I didnt want to hijack your thread GA-PEACHES so I asked here...

thanks guys,

Oh yeah, params are all perfect and salinity 1.024-1.025 as well.
Different light creates differnt looking GSP. Also the flow across them can change the way they look. I have always placed mine high in the tank so it doesn't take over and made sure I had lots of flow across it.
I have thought of that but was too afraid to move it since it was new in my tank. Only had it about a week now. I should say when I bought it, I found it under some LR in my LFS not getting much light at all and no flow. When I brought it home it was open within 30 min of being in my tank, so I guessed it was happy, but the tentacles have never been long and sweeping like everyone elses that I have seen. One possibility I was thinking of is maybe that being under the LR at the dealer with not much light has caused it to loose a lot of the zooanthelle in the tentacles possibly?? In the last 2 to 3 days the tentacles have started turning the same color as the center of the polyp. Should I give it more time or move it? If I place it any higher it will be semi close to my xenia frag. If these two grow towards eachother will there be an all out war between the two??
I was told at my lfs that there are different type of gsp. Some that have long ten. and so have short also there are different shades of ot also. Some have green centers and some have white.
Thats interesting, I apparently have the short tentacled green centered version. I just love it at any rate, and wish it would grow quicker to cover the rock.
Thanks Amberjack, I have only had it for a week and its looking great. Its a quarter sized frag on a huge rock all to its self except for some zoa about 12 inches away. I currently feed the tank 2x a week with ocean nutritions nano reef food. The tentacles seem to be coloring up nicely and cant wait to see it take off. As a matter of fact as soon as some grows off of the plug and onto the rock... im moving the parent frag to another location to speed things along :)
Amberjack, thanks for the pic/info... gorgeous tank. The kind of GSP you have is the kind I thought mine would turn into but it hasn't. But thats ok, its still pretty. Oh yeah, what kind of coral is that under your yellow tang?? I have some of that sold to me as kenya tree?? is that right?? mine is a tiny frag tho, but looks the same.
mine hasnt grown much yet, but its still young. my xenia are getting close to it tho so that should be interesting. Beautiful tank you have and thanks again for the info!
When I got my frag it was short tentacled. Overtime the tentacles lengthened a great deal.

I'm not so certain there are many varieties of GSP, instead I think it can look very different in different tanks. From my understanding there are 2 species of coral that might both be called GSP. One is very common and is the one we all have. The other is fairly rare and looks a lil different but not as attractive imo as the color isn't as vibrant which is prolly why its not as prevalent.