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This thing is sick"></a>=

A needlewheel on a dart. Somebody has to buy one of these and tell me how it is.
I saw one of these run on a huge skimmer at MACNA last year. Really cool stuff. I love my dual beckett with an Iwaki 100 but it's an energy hog and it's loud as a freight train!

I agree let's tell them we want a prototype to do the meshwheel mod!
Thats the one i want.God i hope coralvue uses that pump,if not i might have to make my own skimmer.Good find Cameron everywhere else ive found that pump its been $299.I have three new Dart pumps laying around so i hope i can eventually buy just the impellar and the housing.

Check out the Volcano skimmers, Cameron on RC. Spazz sold his design to Sequence so they could make these pumps.They require a 18" diameter body and an alita 40 air pump to make them work efficiently.
Cameron wrote: If you part with a Dart, let me know.

Im pretty sure i have them all accounted for on my 500 gallon tank,but i will let you know if something changes.It always does. Casper75 has one for sale right now i believe,you could pm him,his are brand new.
That Dart is insane! I want to see that thing in action. Anybody? 46bf... you gotta get that impellar! :) :)