Your fish food mixtures?


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So, I'm taking a small tupperware container and throwing in a frozen cube of brine, emerald green, formula 1, plankton, and mysis.

I let the 5 cubes sit in the fridge for a few hours so they get mushy, then stir them all around. I drop a few squirts of garlic guard in the mixture and then spoon feed the slush to the fishes.

Is this similar to what you guys are doing? I think doing this has risen my nitrate level because the mush dissolves immediately when it hits the water. The fish eat the larger pieces, but I think a lot more food dissolves in the water column than if I just cut up a frozen cube and let them peck at it.
I don't feed cubes everyday but when I do I change up how I do it. On my lasiest cube days I just cut up the cubes and put them in a small cup of RO water. Once they melt, I use a medicine dropper to feed the tanks. Other days, I'll cut up the cubes, cover them with either Selcon or Vita-chem, and add some Garic Extreme, and then feed with the medicine dropper. On the days I feed cubes I also feed some Formula 2 pellets. Other days I'll feed Formula 2 flakes and then some Formula 1 pellets.