Your Opinions: Ich Attack product


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Hey Guys,

The above link is for a 100% natural product that deals with ich. I was in the process of buying a refractometer and pH meter from Foster and Smith anyway when I came across this. Has anyone used this product successfully? If you click on the "More Information" tab it says it is reef safe. It seems to good to be true. I have read Brandon's article, so I can deal with ich in the future if it happens again (though my tank is safe for the moment).

Anyway, I'd appreciate input

rajas- I wanted to order a couple of things from them. You want to go in together to save on shipping?
Sure. Sounds good. By any chance do you have a used refractometer or pHmeter? I am probably going to order other things too, but I trust you Skriz.

This was discussed before:
Hey haninja,

The product discussed in that thread was different. Prevent Ich is not Ich Attack. I only want specific info on this product.
<span style="color: black;">OK, then you tell me what are the differences between these two products:</span>
<span style="color: black;">"></a></span>
<span style="color: black;">[IMG]"></a></span>
<span style="color: black;">
<span style="color: black;">Not trying to be a smart a$$ but they seem to be exactly the same. Even the description is identical&#8230;</span>
rajfish;89266 wrote: Sure. Sounds good. By any chance do you have a used refractometer or pHmeter? I am probably going to order other things too, but I trust you Skriz.


Thanks! I have a phmeter pen that I use for testing fw for dips and the refractometer that I also use. my display is run by a rk2. I'm not sure how much the phmeters go for these days, but it's well worth the money to buy an rk2 or acjr. Much better investment imo.

I just wanted to pick up some meds and such. I have 5 yellow tangs in qt, 3 of which have visible ich. All I have is seachem paraguard and wanted to pickup some meth blue and maybe a couple of other things.

not sure about the ich attack. from what i've read, most of those products are pretty crap. I used one back in the day and it worked, but was a tedious cycle.
Don't get me wrong haninja. I am already skeptical. I just want to see if anyone has used it. A lot of these "organic" ich remedies tend to be little more than water with some spices. Better for cooking then ich.
rajfish;89291 wrote: Don't get me wrong haninja. I am already skeptical. I just want to see if anyone has used it. A lot of these "organic" ich remedies tend to be little more than water with some spices. Better for cooking then ich.

Agree :thumbs:
my rule. dont add anything into your tank just let it live its life out. ( i did not make it up but just heard it at sals get to gather and am using it)
Rajas, there are a few problems that I have with their claims. (no surprise there)

Effective in fresh, brackish, or saltwater [/quote]

Ummm SW Ich is WAY different the FW ich so how can it be safe and effective for both?!?

100% organic, active ingredients treat diseases caused by Ich, fungus, protozoans, and dinoflagellates.

Again, Ich, Fungus, Protozoans, and dinoflagellates are very different things and nothing that I can think of that is natural would be effective on all of them (or even some of them).

There are MANY claims on products for ich that are just out in left field and I would suspect this to be one of them. You have to remember that there is no agency that regulates the claims on these products. I could put maple syrup in a bottle and market it as a 100% natural cure for ich and no one could do anything about it. Heck, I would not have to even list what is in there (or prove that it is 100% natural).

Will it hurt your tank? Maybe or maybe not. Do I think it will cure ich? I would bet you your tank it doesn't!