Zeo systems


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I've never really seen anyone on here post about this. Just wondering if anyone is running a zeovit system or has in the past? I thought about trying it out a while back, but it never really panned out. If you have and don't anymore, why did you stop? Is it even close to worth it, or would results be about the same as dosing carbon and amino acids?
I'm running like "half zeovit"right now (no reactor with zeolites and a little higher alk 7.8) and seeing awesome results (color) although I wasn't low nutrient enough when I started and even at half dose, the concentration of the supplements caused a nice Dino bloom that's dying off now. These are incredibly concentrated supplements!

Using tropic Marin bio actif salt which essentially adds a form of carbon dosing and is lower alk than I had been running. I only feed reef frenzy once per day for my fish and I skim a full BK super Marin cup almost once every 3-4 days. Running a cup of carbon and half cub of gfo on about 200g. Going to reduce the fish in here also.

Still experimenting with the different supplements and creating my own schedule based on my observations. I really like Pohl's Xtra, Zeostart, coral vitalizer and the Lps amino acids so far. The others I dose a couple times a week.
Tony, Ive got Marin's concentrated Bio-active ingredient that I used a while back. Trade you for a polyp or two? ****, just come get it
I ran full zeovit for the past 6 months. I found it did color up my corals and was a good way to know exactly how much your putting into the tank as far as nutrients and such. Unfortunately it was like running on a knife edge for me and I had several crashes from low/high alk. If my alk got down to 6.5 corals died, if it got up to 7.5, corals died. Sweet spot for me was like 6.8 to 7.2 but my tank eats .3 dkh per day. So you can imagine how easy it would be to nuke stuff for me. I also went from using kalkwasser to straight water for make up because the evaporation rate depending on the weather could lead to swings that were too big. Especially if I over did a water change by a couple gallons and didn't need to makeup for a couple days.
I'm currently switching to a remote deep sand bed/possible refugium design as I want to run something more stable so I don't lose corals all the time.

Now, please note, i'm only a 2-3 year reefer and have had very little luck with acro's. digi's and birds are okay, but I've had trouble with acro's. I'm sure you pro's could run zeo much better than I.

Other problem was it seemed like the best place for advice was the zeovit forum. There were like 2 pro's on the forum that pretty much answered everyone's questions daily. It was a weird feeling like the whole zeovit system was backed by these 2 people and no one else had much input.

I also went with ALL the recommended products, from the reefers be$$$$t salt, recommended zeo brand zeolites, to the Korralicht (spelling?) carbon, to about 8 additives. I have several bags of zeolite and a full zeostart3 if anyone wants to buy them. Even a full bag of zeovit carbon.

I also had one crash when I forgot to change the carbon one month, so it went 2 months. Then when I changed it all my acro's nuked. I think it might have had to do with water clarity getting much better but not sure.

The pumping the zeolites twice a day wasn't too bad but sometimes it was hard to keep up with the dosing schedule. I'd forget some mornings when I had to rush to work or had a busy family night. Also, i tried dosing the zeostart to make it easier but i'm not sure I had the mixture right, had a crash and went back to dosing by hand.

let me know if you have further questions
I did see some ABSOLUTELY AMAZING zeo tanks in my research before I started. But then again, i've seen a lot of amazing non-zeo tanks so who knows ya know?
I tried copying reeferman's LED build and setup and Ralph's setup and couldn't make it work without killing stuff. I'd be dead on alk, calc, mag, and low nutrients and stuff would die. Was really heart breaking.

Then I saw a couple tanks recently with refugium or dsb and they did like nothing to the tank and had huge beautiful colonies of acro's. So off I go again trying to figure out what works for me..
outdrsyguy1;1008728 wrote: I'd be dead on alk, calc, mag, and low nutrients and stuff would die. Was really heart breaking.

Then I saw a couple tanks recently with refugium or dsb and they did like nothing to the tank and had huge beautiful colonies of acro's. So off I go again trying to figure out what works for me..

Reefing.txt :/