Zoa Diseases


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Ok so at first i just thought it was too much light now a bunch of my zoa's are closing up and shriveling away! What could it be and what should i do?

:huh:Umm yeah about that I knida don't have any test kits since i dropped the ref charts in water! I knew i should have gotten more.:bash: All i know is Salinity is 1.025 with small swing. Only test that i could do are CA Alk and mag. What those? Even though I don't know what tank normal is?

Ok so i jsut took out some water to test and got SHOCKED!! could this be the problem??
CA came to 425
Total Alk is 3.25 meq/L
Mag is taking a while!
Pic are uploading! But I just now saw that my week old cali tort frag and tri color acro that i've had for ever bit the dust too!!!!ARRRRR this really ticks me off!
Pic are bad since lights are off

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Best 2 i can get right now!
Pics or no pics, you shouldn't be getting shocked! Did you install the GFCI yet? If not, that's your #1 job tomorrow. While you're at the store, go ahead and pick up a voltage meter. Should only cost you $20 or so. Doubt that has all that much to do with your zoa problem, but it needs to be addressed for the sake of your fish and YOU!
Yeah I'll do that first thing in the mourning! And my neighbor does some electrical work so I'll grab his volt meter.

But anyone got anyideas about the zoas?
I think it would have to be some type predator, sundial snail, spiders or if you can see any spots on them it will be zoa pox. I would dip them tomorrow and qt them if you have a qt tank. Do you have a peppermint or camel shrimp? If they are being picked at by something they may be staying closed for a long enough time that the internal algae may be dying off and they may be starving to death. I had a colony start dying off and found some tiny very hard to see aiptasia hiding in them. A dip cured it. Hope you find the problem.
I can't really see much in the photos, so no help there.

I missed the part about your getting shocked. Was it from the water or from the lighting? If from the water, you'll want to take care of that asap. Unplug your devices one at a time to find out which one is the culprit (you'll need a voltmeter).
I have just upgraded my fish QT from the 10g I was using to a 29g. I have read that some of you QT corals; this is what I want to use the 10g for. This tank has never had meds in it, BTW.

A couple of questions, though. What kind of lighting would be required for short-term keeping? And, for that matter, should the QT be short term? Anything I should add to eliminate pests/parasites?

Basically what I'm asking is how to set this up. I don't have anything other than a regular output flourescent "plant and aquarium" lamp around that will fit this tank. Should I look for a cheap used PC? I'll be doing mostly softies and LPS, at least for now. How often would I feed the tank, and how about filtration? I have an extra Aquaclear 70 HOB filter that I use for fish QT that I can swap over when needed, but what media to use?

Sorry for the tons of questions, but the idea of QT'ing corals is all new to me.