Zoa Pox= HUGE Problem!!


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I was hoping someone knew how to treat the dreaded disease, zoa pox.
This morning, I went up to see my tank, and discovered a bunch of white dots on the zoas. I'm an addict to zoaid.com, it is very helpful. I've read everything on they're site, and immediatley knew it was some type of disease, and I'd seen it on the site before. Here's the link: http://www.zoaid.com/articles004.php">http://www.zoaid.com/articles004.php</a>
I was hoping someone had some treatments other than the treatments on the page, or someone could guide me on how to do some of the treatments on the page. I really need to get rid of it, it's only on two small colonies right now (they are the same type, and used to be one, but then they split, and they are on other ends of the tank). I wanted to d a freshwater dip, any suggestions?
I can attach pics later!
Thanks so much, and I hope I can treat it!!
yes i would recomend a fw dip first of all in like some type of black container so you can physically see them fall of to ensure that it is infact working
If you are sure that is what it is, then you need to treat it exactly like it says in the article with Furan-2 which is readily available. You also need to make sure they aren't nudi eggs. The pox is like a blister and the eggs are more like fine particles of sand.
I'd take a turkey baster and blast them off alil, just see if this might be detruis build-up before I jump the gun....
Dakota9;363858 wrote: I'd take a turkey baster and blast them off alil, just see if this might be detruis build-up before I jump the gun....

Yep....zoas are a bit sticky and reef debris will stick to them. If it's indeed pox, Furan-2 is the only way to go. I had a colony early on I treated, but for me it wasn't I went to bed one night with the zoas fine and they appeared the next day. It was progressive and happened gradually.
Ok, but it has already spread to a couple zoas around them. Would sand/debris do that? It could be nudi eggs, I have a few black ones. And they are opening out. I will do the turkey baster method. I think it might be either the nudi eggs or zoa pox. I will attach some pics, but they are bad. I'm gonna do a FW dip anyways, though. Any other suggestions?
No, I just searched nudi eggs, but it didn't look like them. Again, I'm not 100%, so I will post some pics.
blu_devl_06;363870 wrote: Just one suggestion, don't act rash, be 100% sure before you treat. If by some chance it was sand, or detritus, or nudi eggs, and you treated them and it something goes wrong and kills it, you'll be upset with yourself. Take the extra time to make sure of what it is and then treat properly if needed. Remember, nothing happens fast in this hobby, including death. Post the pictures, get some feedback, then treat if you still think its necessary. And remember, we're with you!!

Thank you! I just really wanna get this thing out of the way, because my tank is full of zoas, and it could be a zoa threatening thing. I'm definitley gonna post pics. I'm gonna go do the baster thing right now, and test my water params. I'm glad to hear it won't die too fast, because I do wanna be 100% sure. I'm really hoping it's nudi eggs, but I'm leaning toward pox, because it looks so much like the pics. But, I will show you some pics, get input, and do the neccesary thing afterwords. Gonna go test water, like I said, show you my params in a sec!
Ok. I'm gonna go get some furan-2. You think Petco might carry it? Or petsmart?
radha;363924 wrote: Ok. I'm gonna go get some furan-2. You think Petco might carry it? Or petsmart?

Thought you were going to post your params and try blasting them with a baster and post results.......

Geet Crackin'!!!!!!
Ok, so by a request.... PARAM TIME!!

Salinity: 1.025
Nitrates: 5
Nitrites: 0
Calcium: 400
pH: 8.5
Phosphate: 1.00

There you have it. Pics will be up soon when I can get a good enough pic. :)

Ya, those little dots are stuck on there good. Tried to blast em, stayed on, didn't move. All that the blasting did was irritate the zoas and cause them to close up.
So, there you have it, we have ZOA POX! So much fun. NOT!!
Will update you later, and put a pic up when I take em outta the water.
ares;363937 wrote: pics would be a good start.

avarium in duluth might have furan-2? Id call first. or you have aquarium showcase, marine designs, einstein, and keen, all kind of around you that should have it for sure.

Ya, I'm gonna call around. If I want to treat with the furan, can I keep the zoas in the tank to do it, or no? I have no quaruntine, but I do have a 5 and 10 gallon tank just waiting to be used. I could use those. But that's only if it wouldn't be ok to keep the zoas in the tank during treatment. I have a mixed reef and 1 ornamental shrimp, 2 clowns, 1 jawfish, and an anemone. Would these be sensitive to the ingredients in the tablet?
do some reading on GFO.. seems to be good stuff.. dont want to bring it down fast.. I have heard of problems with coral trying to adjust to "cleaner" water..
I'm pretty sure I saw a link about treating a whole tank with Furan-2 for pox one time so do some searching. However, I think it involved some serious water changes which would scare me due to stress on corals, invert, and fish.

And like the previous guy said, when I had a colony get the pox, it stopped opening like normal before the pox became visable.
I noticed some spots on a zoa colony i received in the mail. I went to get some Furan-2 and on the advice of the sponsor LFS i used seachem's coral dip first and it worked for me. The next morning all the spots were gone and the zoa's started to open up for me. Not bashing the Furan-2 or anything just stating what worked for me.
Cool, thanks!!! I will try the Furan, if that doesn't work, I'll do seachem dip. But, the zoas aren't really opening up right now, there are one or two polyps open.....