zoa problem?


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Hey so I have had these zoas about 2
Months and they have been wonderful...about 2 weeks ago I had a salinity spike but caught it almost immediately. Ever since my blue vice zoas have been stretching and only partly opening.

If I turn off my flow they open a little more but not fully. Mixed on the same frag are Irish eyes that open fully and don't stretch so I am not thinking there is a pest.

Also every single other zoa in my tank opens fully and doesn't stretch like that so it's hard to think it's my lighting, and I have never moved these after initial placement and they opened fine until the salinity spike.

When they do open the color is fine and looks healthy...at night when the lights are off they shrink back to normal size so this means it could be lighting....

Here's a pic
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i would move them closer to the light see if the helps.maybe in a area with more flow.
Agreed - stretching usually means they are looking for more light. Give that a try and see what happens after a few days to a week.
