Zoa Question


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One rock of zoas are acting weird.. have been for three days now.. the little petals on them are all twisted up (and not like they have just been spooked or fed) most of the petals are growing second arms out of the sides. It's the weirdest thing. Other spots with the same zoa type are doing fine. I haven't added anything recently, and I've checked for nudis... All the polyps are fully open and expanded.. just curly ?? and freaky looking.. Can take a pic if needed.
Oh, yes.. here they are.
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What do you feed the tank? Phyto, Mysoplex or any other filter feed? I have had some zoas start acting weird when I changed types of food I fed. The closest one looks like it is morphing, kind of a mutation that some zaos/palys go through. The rest of your colony looks like its doing well. Have you changed bulbs or moved the rock they are on lately?
We dont' feed any kind of phyto or anything. I have started feeding flake food since we got the blenny, but nothing else. We bought new bulbs for our PCs, but that was about two weeks before this started. The rock had not been moved in forever besides last night when I moved it to search for a lost monti cap.
I could be wrong here, but the only time my zoas stretch up like that are when they're in the shade under some rocks, and are not getting enough light. Are you sure yours are getting enough light?
I see that happen when my zoas are growing bigger. I think they may grow new tenticles and that kinda pushes the old ones around. Once they get a bit larger around the ends tend to right themselves.

Total guess though.
I don't know.. Some of the ones on the same rock (which is at the top of the rock setup) isn't stretch so much, and all of the zoas that are lower in the tank are definatly not as stretchy or weird. This rock used to be completly normal looking, and after that nudi outbreak all but 4 of the zoa died on this rock, and this is what repopulated it. I don't mind it.. just didn't want it to be a sign of some disease..