Zoas Tank?


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I am thinking about getting a bio cube for zoanthids only. I would like to incorporate some of the most vibrant and rare/exotic of the zoas. I have never had zoas in my reef tanks, so I'm wondering how many different species can go in a nano cube and grow together without complication? Also, what size and type of nano cube would be a good choice? Keep in mind on the type of cube the lighting and filtration for the zoas since I have never raised them I'm not sure what would work best to bring out the vibrant coloration.

Also, I currently have a 29gal bio cube reef and need help on aquascaping. I have serveral corals in there now, which are doing great, but my space is limited due to the rock setup. How should the rock be arranged to get the most space available for more coral? I have a sixline wrasse, saddleback clown, and true percula. I will definantly need to construct the rockwork so the sixline has plenty of caves to swim through.
let me know when u r ready for some zoas got like 9 diff types for sale or trade here n a bit
If you feel like making a trip to Vinings, I can show you my setup which will help answer probably all of your questions. I'm about 2 miles away from June's meeting location.

BTW, I've seen people fit about 40-50 different frags into one 30 gallon tank. Granted, it looked like a frag tank but since zoas don't attack neighbors like SPS and some LPS does, you can cram as much as you want to.
yes beleave me kappaknight knows zoas, he has the best looking tank that i have ever seen in person
It's alright... I probably mis-spelled it. "thanks governor!" is a saying I picked up from the Simpsons.
oh so when u gonna hook it up with some more frags? let me know when u get some diff ones, i got some purple tip milli up for tradin if u interested...