Zooanthid problem


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I've had a nice colony of zooanthids for some time, and they have always been one of the healthiest corals in my tank. A few days ago, they began to decline. At fiest some of them, instead of inverting as they do when eating, began to evert - or turn themselves inside-out. Now some of them are showing signs of deformity. This morning I noticed a few zebra-striped tentacles in their area that appear to be some kind of worm, but very thin...almost like a spaghetti worm.




I just dipped the colony and 5(!) tiny starfish came out...that's what the striped tentacles were! Would they have been causing problems with the zooanthids? What also came out were some very small, quickly-swimming creatures that look like perhaps tiny shrimp. Can someone plese give me the link to that page on hitchhikers so I may try to identify them?
Were they the blueish / gray astrena starfish with uneven looking legs? If so they have eaten my Zoas before.
They the about the size if a quarter, browninsh gray, with a very small central disk. Most are missing some legs.
good link to hitchhikers:

The tiny shrimp are probably amphipods...they're a good thing. Look something like this?

alt="" />

That's exactly what they are...thanks! Now should I let the starfish live?
Please see thread in this forum with the title "Starfish ID and questions"
Curator;138901 said:
<span style="font-size: 14px;">OHG!</span>


What is this? Official Hotel GuideOld High GermanOperators Harmonization Group
Old Hairy Girls
Here is an image of my ailing zooanthid colony. Can anyone tell what might be wrong with it? Until a week-or-two ago, it was fully open most of the time and a voracious eater. Now it is not opening.
IMHO--They've just been harrassed by star fish, dipped in iodine, and dropped back in the tank. I think I'd take a while to open back up if you treated me like that too! I'd give 'em a couple of days.....

I hope you are correct. They looked like this well-before the dip, but I'll be patient.

Thanks for your input.
My zooanthid colony is still not robust, as it had been for a long time. It has not died, but I seldom see more than one or two (out of about 20) polyps open. It, for a long time, was very robust and ate anytime I gave it food. I don't see any obvious cause for its decline. My water parameters are good and I do regular water changes. Everything else is thriving.


Any ideas?


That doesn't look like the zoa pox I had. It looks more like sand. I agree with George, since they aren't actually dying they may just be resting up.
try dipping them in fresh rodi water, all the critters should jump off.