Zoo's not happy :(


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My setup:

20L, drilled with an overflow. Mag 5 return through a SCWD. 10g sump, small fuge that isn't running (nothing in it), modified seaclone that I just installed, RO for top-off. 150watts of VHO, workhorse 7 ballast, bulbs >6 months old.

Tank conditions - 1.024 salinity
Temp 79.5

I use tropic marin salt.

I do a 3-4 gallon water change every other week. Although I do not normally test water parameters, I'm going to need to get a few kits shortly, so I can figure out what is going on.

I'll have some macro algea growth, then it will die back (my theory, P04 is up, then down). Currently there is little to zero marco growing in the tank.

My leather and Kenya tree frag look great. I've got a rescued BTA in there, he hid for weeks and I thought he was gone....he's out now, been in the same spot for awhile....but he is PALE white. He didn't look to much better when I got him, and although his color isn't there, he doesn't have a gapeing mouth, foot looks like it has a strong hold on the rock, and he has been in the same spot for about 2 weeks now.

My Zoo's havn't opened in a week. Some polyps are open, but the majority have been closed for awhile. The zoo frag came from the same guy I got a GSP frag from, which never opened at all.

I'm thinking a Kalk issue, although I do dose every other fill up with kalkwasser/RO. Coraline growth is non-existant.

I've been away from the hobby for awhile, and it seems I've lost the feel I used to have for it (Set up the tank, feed the fish, and watch everything thrive....although I was using NSW then)

Any ideas, thoughts, flaming?

What test kits to buy? dKh, CA, anything else?
I'd get the params tested asap, then go from there. I'm newer than you, so I can't really help all that much.

But my first step would be to test the water, especially for phosphates and nitrates.
problem is, where to go. I'll run by one of the local places tomorrow and see who is working. Last time I was in, they didn't seem very knowledgeable about much of anything, except selling a tank...
When you say the GSP never openned, do you mean it died, or just hasn't openned yet? My GSP sulks for days after its been moved, fragged or otherwise disturbed.

Somtimes my Zoas go days without openning even though the water is fine.

I don't see how this could be a Kalk issue, since Zoas aren't heavily reliant on Calcium, unless you mean too much calcium, and even then I'd not think it an issue.

How old is the system?

Have you changed lighting recently?

Whats your photo period?
TAftonomos;73702 wrote: problem is, where to go. I'll run by one of the local places tomorrow and see who is working. Last time I was in, they didn't seem very knowledgeable about much of anything, except selling a tank...

go to Blue Planet Aquariums 770-914-3474. It is off of Jonesboro road just west of 75. across from BJ's
Zoo's used to be fully open. In fact, I had a clump of brown ones that was starting to color up into something really cool....then they just quit opening up.

No change in the lighting

Zoos are in top portion of tank

8 hours photo

system probably4-5 months old now
pick up a nitrate test kit too

3-4 gallon changes really wont make an impact on the tank if you have things out of whack, it takes much more than that to really clean things up, and that assumes your using ro/di

6 months is getting old on those vho's plan to replace them too

did you have any skimmer prior to the seaclone? BTW I would throw that thing in the trash and buy a real skimmer as soon as you can, your corals will thank you too, I really cant believe they still sell those things, they were bad when they came out in the late 90's.

if you look at the numbers on water changes, it's downright scary

What is the pH? Try checking it in the morning and at nite to see if there is a wide pH swing.
purpleGORILLA;73736 wrote: What is the pH? Try checking it in the morning and at nite to see if there is a wide pH swing.

Was told that an unhappy Kenya Tree is a good way to tell that PH is off and he says his is doing great? Not sure if that's a true indication, but when my K-Tree (or Xenia) is looking puny, sure 'nuff the PH needs adjusting.
Yeah, the pom-poms are looking good, although they are NOT growing at all. The Kenya tree and the leather have grown considerably since I set the tank up here in GA

It was established about 2 years ago down in FL, I transported it here 4-5 months ago, so it isn't like I had to cycle rock etc... All the rock and sand has been with me for almost 5 years, when I first started into SW.

Prior to me moving here, I never ran a skimmer at all (in this tank). One small perc and a lawnmower blenny coupled with a heavily stocked fuge and weekly water changes and I never had a problem. I'm setting up a larger tank, and I really didn't want to bother setting the fuge back up (I need a light and some macro....I figured it's one more thing I have to transfer/move over.