Boxes or Buckets


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Some hobbyists have expressed interest in purchasing salt in large boxes (200+ gallons worth of salt mix, but split up into smaller bags) vs. buckets. We would like to see if this is what the majority of you prefer. Please participate in the poll and let us know whether you like boxes or buckets more. Thanks in advance for your participation!
I agree with Dawgdude. I prefer the boxes if it will save some $$ in the long run. Besides, I already have 8+ buckets to mix in.
I like the buckets, but if it saves on cost, ill do a box of bags no problem.

Just out of curiousity, what ever happened to the big barrels of salt you used to offer? Memories of being able to go to the LFS and refill my seachem bucket...that was nice.
High volume users need the boxes. My mixing container is 225 gallons with a 6" hole at the top. A bag is simple to open and pour in whereas buckets make a mess. I use multiple bags at a time, and very rarely partial bags.

Buckets are ideal for lower volume users as they provide a moisture free environment for storing your salt. Moisture will start reactions between the components of salt because of it being a concentrated environment.

I vote boxes, but ideally, providing both is preferable.
I like the boxes. I have two 55 gallon drums that I use to mix my NSW. I have the barrels marked off to give me a pretty consistent 1.025 mixture using the 50 gallon bags.
I like the bags in a box better for long term. They are easier to use and pour. Less heavy for the gals to lift :). And once you get 1 bucket, you can easily refill it if you don't use a whole bag. Plus, I would assume it's better for the environment with less trash waste. And of course if it is more cost effective, I'd buy it over a bucket.
Because I am just a hobbyist, using buckets is easier as I can scoop what I need and the rest remains moisture free till the next week. Bags are hard to handle when you're not using the entire bag. And buckets are easy to carry.
The bag is easier, but it's nice to have the bucket to keep things sealed. If the price comes down though I'm all for the boxes. I can figure out a way to keep it sealed and away from moisture.
I prefer whichever packaging method makes your product the least expensive.

After a while, I have more buckets than I know what to do with.

With your boxes, I'd just empty the bags into a bucket I already have.

I'd be happy to field test your new formula!:D
Acroholic;379663 wrote:
After a while, I have more buckets than I know what to do with.

See if your LFS will give you credit on them. I had a guy that ran a deli that used to trade in tons of 5g buckets for credit. Granted you can never get rid of the pickle smell, they worked great for live rock.
I like buckets just for the resealability... but once I have a good stock of them I'd buy boxes IF they price per gallon was cheaper.
I prefer the buckets...but could be persuaded quite easily by offering a better price. If I ever needed another bucket, I'd just buy a bucket or two of the salt in the buckets....
Cut cost by reducing some material cost. If you produce boxes. It's almost clear its not for the beginner, so there is no need to have colorful boxes or ANY design on the bags inside. Just strong enough to hold themselves together so they can be poured into an old bucket, or just as Danny uses them, 100% into mixing. The bags wouldn't need to be resealable.

If it has to be one or the other. One idea may be to offer the box. But sell just empty seachem buckets on the side for $x.xx so that people like me can have something to put it in that's water tight.
I prefer buckets, and I use Seachem Reef. Since most people recycle them, they seem better for the environment, too. IMHO.