1.15.25 BOD Meeting Minutes


Staff member
Reaction score
Meeting Started January 15th at 8:00PM

Attendees: Brian Cook, Justin Cook, Steve Burton, David Foster, Bill Musselwhite, Bridgett Bass, and Adam Nitchke

Forum moderation: @Doberman13 to speak with moderation team regarding recent reports related to new members without 25 meaningful posts posting items for sale in other areas of the forum to skirt the selling rules. These posts should be removed.
The BOD will schedule a meeting with the current moderator team next week to establish 2025 commitments and determine whether more site moderators are needed.

February 1st -2nd - Many of our usual coral vendors will be at The Aquatic Expo @ The River Place Expo Center, Fort Mill, South Carolina.
The next ARC Frag Swap is either March 1st or March 8th depending on availability of the church. @jcook54 is checking on this.
David has volunteered to host another social Brewery event - TBD either spring or fall.
Currently #1 in the posted member poll - True Frag Swap and Coral workshop demonstration - The date is tentatively set for May 3rd. Location to be determined.
Current #2 in the posted member poll is a Tour of tanks. @Cook to make a post seeking members willing to host. We will wait for the poll to close before scheduling.
September Event - TBD - Will most likely be the next frag swap
Annual Holiday Party either December 6th or 13th.

Next meeting 1.29.25 @ 8PM.

Meeting adjourned at 8:36PM.