1.30.2024 BOD Meeting Minutes


Vice President
Staff member
Contest Committee
Reaction score
Stone Mountain
Meeting started 7:30 - 1.30.2024

Attendees: Justin Cook, Steve Burton, Bridgette Bass, Brian Cook, Bill Musselwhite, Adam Nitschke

  1. Old Business
    1. WWC Visit Feedback
    2. IU Gary got Accountant information
  2. March 2nd Meeting 1:00 - 4:00
    1. Big Fish Acrylics is in
    2. $500 refundable deposit
    3. Frag swap & into to Big Fish Acrylics
    4. Southern Aquatics will do a presentation as well.
  3. Raffle at meeting
    1. GA Aquarium tickets.
    2. $250 gift certificates to be given out (5 @ $50)
    3. 6 vendors on board at this point.
    4. Snacks and water for the event - $300 budget supported by vote.
    5. No garage sales table so we can feel the space out.
  4. In person BoD Meeting conversation.
    1. Location - North end of town, along the perimeter
    2. Atlanta Event Rental - 10 table rental?
  5. Constitution Conversation
    1. Brian Cook has been talking to Art.
    2. Need to have a conversation about the exact setup.
  6. Moderators
    1. Right now the rules are difficult to access, hard to find.
    2. Steve Burton to combine different rule sets.
    3. The goal is to post it all in one easy to access place.
  7. General talk about club activity and events.
    1. More activities?
    2. How to get more people active and off the couch?
    3. Live events? More content.
  8. Par Meter reading
    1. Steve to get a par meter from David Foster.
  9. Next meeting 2.13.2024 at 7:30 pm