Meeting started 7:30 - 1.30.2024
Attendees: Justin Cook, Steve Burton, Bridgette Bass, Brian Cook, Bill Musselwhite, Adam Nitschke
Attendees: Justin Cook, Steve Burton, Bridgette Bass, Brian Cook, Bill Musselwhite, Adam Nitschke
- Old Business
- WWC Visit Feedback
- IU Gary got Accountant information
- March 2nd Meeting 1:00 - 4:00
- Big Fish Acrylics is in
- $500 refundable deposit
- Frag swap & into to Big Fish Acrylics
- Southern Aquatics will do a presentation as well.
- Raffle at meeting
- GA Aquarium tickets.
- $250 gift certificates to be given out (5 @ $50)
- 6 vendors on board at this point.
- Snacks and water for the event - $300 budget supported by vote.
- No garage sales table so we can feel the space out.
- In person BoD Meeting conversation.
- Location - North end of town, along the perimeter
- Atlanta Event Rental - 10 table rental?
- Constitution Conversation
- Brian Cook has been talking to Art.
- Need to have a conversation about the exact setup.
- Moderators
- Right now the rules are difficult to access, hard to find.
- Steve Burton to combine different rule sets.
- The goal is to post it all in one easy to access place.
- General talk about club activity and events.
- More activities?
- How to get more people active and off the couch?
- Live events? More content.
- Par Meter reading
- Steve to get a par meter from David Foster.
- Next meeting 2.13.2024 at 7:30 pm