10 yrs waiting my clown fish finds our Anemone


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After 10 years and numerous tank upgrades and moves I have always had anemone's yet my clown fish never paid them any attention. Instead she laid her eggs in a cave where her male partner took care of them. She ignored the anemones and took up residence in various frogspawn or hammer corals. Well, today she found one of our five bubble tip anemone's. Hopefully she's not just visiting but this is the first time I have seen her in one. She is still occasionally returning back to her other hangouts but has spent a surprising amount of time in the anemone over the past 30 minutes or so.

After 10 years and numerous tank upgrades and moves I have always had anemone's yet my clown fish never paid them any attention. Instead she laid her eggs in a cave where her male partner took care of them. She ignored the anemones and took up residence in various frogspawn or hammer corals. Well, today she found one of our five bubble tip anemone's. Hopefully she's not just visiting but this is the first time I have seen her in one. She is still occasionally returning back to her other hangouts but has spent a surprising amount of time in the anemone over the past 30 minutes or so.

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Shes getting old and looking for the security:p
We have 5 bubble tips and our 2 clowns still prefer the GSP island.
Update. She's still nestling in with the Nem. Still waiting on her partner to make it all the way across the tank and join her. He sticks pretty close to their nesting cave.

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So jealous, my 2 clowns are like “dude steer clear of that thing, I saw it move once and I think it eats clowns. I saw a video of it “consuming” one when my owner put the TV up to side of the aquarium”

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That is exciting. I recently added a BTA in with my clowns. I’m hoping it doesn’t take 10 years, but after reading your post and talking with others my expectations have now been set very low.
I started with 1 but over the past year it has split and now I have 7.

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My clown is 3 yrs+ old and I just recently introduced an anemone and he is clueless to what it is. He sleeps in a corner of the tank beside the anemone and not in it. I think he's still suspicious of it since he's probably never seen one before up until recently.