120 Gallon Build Thread "Neptune"


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Before we get into the details of the build and what not I want to give a big thanks to @Billldg @NanCrab @Ira January and many others for making this build possible.
This tanks build thread title/name will be Neptune. Neptune is latin for Poseidon.
After cleaning the tank came the challenge of moving it into our basement. We had to take it down a hill and up a couple of steps. Me and my dad managed to tie it down to a roller and get it down there.
Once we get it on the stand we were preparing to fill the tank and realized it was going to take way to long to fill completely up with our RO/DI unit so we made a couple of trips to nemos. We got fresh water from nemos and added our own salt to be consistent since we will be using our salt for water changes. The tank Is still cloudy as you can see from the photos below. I'm assuming/hoping this is because we don't have sand or rock in the tank yet so the calcium carbonate doesn't have a place to settle from the salt mix we will see with time. The cable management in the sump is not so great right now I still have to mount the surge protector and then I can cable manage everything.
For lighting I will be running 2 Noopsyche K7 Pro 2's. I still have to order the second one but its going to be a while till I will be adding any corals. Stocking plan for fish still hasn't been decided. I know for a fact I will want at least 2 tangs 1 of them being a yellow. Im just trying to find a second one that will be able to go in a tank of this size without overstocking.
Im still trying to decide if I'm going to dose live bacteria (and if so which brand Dr Tims, Brightwell, Turbostart,etc...) or if I want to go the long route on cycling. Since I'm not using life rock with this build it will be a long time before I add any sps (sorry any stick lovers).
I have a 120 and have a yellow tang and a yellow eye Kole tang. You would want to look at the Ctenochaetus genus for your second tang if you were to do 2 in a 120 IMO.
I have a 120 and have a yellow tang and a yellow eye Kole tang. You would want to look at the Ctenochaetus genus for your second tang if you were to do 2 in a 120 IMO.
If I were to do just 1 tang would that expand my options and if so to what?
If I were to do just 1 tang would that expand my options and if so to what?
Umm, no. Not really. A lot of people will tell you that a 120 is too small for a full grown Yellow Tang (or others from genus Zebrasoma). It is pushing it on the Yellow Tang. 120 is probably the minimum for an adult. Make sure you have plenty of open area for swimming. The Ctenochaetus genus is your best bet and 1 tang is probably the suggested stock level for a 120. If you get 2, add them at the same time. Mine coexist but sometimes aren't happy about it.
Umm, no. Not really. A lot of people will tell you that a 120 is too small for a full grown Yellow Tang (or others from genus Zebrasoma). It is pushing it on the Yellow Tang. 120 is probably the minimum for an adult. Make sure you have plenty of open area for swimming. The Ctenochaetus genus is your best bet and 1 tang is probably the suggested stock level for a 120. If you get 2, add them at the same time. Mine coexist but sometimes aren't happy about it.
Yeah my aquasccape leaves Aton of swimming space
Clownfish added and bacteria added. Gonna keep testing Ammonia and proceed with the cycle. The clownfish looks super tiny in the tank will this affect anything with the cycle. Will him being so tiny still provide enough ammonia for the cycle?
Clownfish added and bacteria added. Gonna keep testing Ammonia and proceed with the cycle. The clownfish looks super tiny in the tank will this affect anything with the cycle. Will him being so tiny still provide enough ammonia for the cycle?
Yes. You will have to watch when you add more fish because the bacteria will need to grow to compensate for the increased load. If you move slowly though, you should be fine.
How is the tank going? We need to see some pictures.:D:p:cool:
Some reason I didn’t get any emails on this or notifications on this message . Tank is still going great haven’t added any corals yet cause there is still a couple of purchases I need to make I will upload some photos when I get home from school.
Only a little algae on the top which I am fine with considering the feeding load. Followed the brs ULW cycle and it worked amazing. Currently have a big light running over it until I can purchase the second noopsyche. This level of algae is insane considering I still haven’t added my clean up crew. ( thinking of doing just urchins) I also feed this tank krill for the snowflake eel (who is the most boring creature on the face of the earth) but still pretty cool to have. And I feed seaweed and mysis for the naso tang which I got from living reef Orlando, which was the nicest fish store I have ever stepped foot in also answered my hour long non stop questioning about the naso tang ( how long I could have him in the 120 before rehoming, diet, tankmates etc) I’m currently building my coral stash in a 10
gallon tank which I keep in my room just growing corals since the big tang isn’t ready for them yet. if you guys have any suggestions for anything I’m doing wrong or anything that I could be doing better pls let me know. Also pls excuse the delayed updated I have been super busy. As you guys know none of this would even be happening if it weren’t for the kindness of @Billldg so another thanks to him


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