120 Gallon Build Thread "Neptune"

So here are my icp test results a long long time after ordering it (not anyone's fault, except for postal service delays) I've basically been putting any further steps on halt until further notice. Looks like there is a good bit of stuff to fix. Any tips on the best path to take the tank from where it is now to being coral ready.
This is my ICP. I use Triton though.

Don't go chasing trace elements. I only added Iodine because I seen 2 test with 0.000. Chasing trace elements can only lead to further issues down the road.


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I have a 100g tank with a scopas tang and it has been very happy in the tank. I got him at 5" and my best guess is that he is around 6.25" now. Eventually he will get nervous in my tank and I will know its time to pass him on to a bigger tank.

I kind of look at tangs as fish on lease :) I am growing them for the next guy.

Cheers on the new tank :)
Going through a GHA faze right now. I got a urchin and I think I’m gonna do a blackout since I have no corals atm.