125 Long Stock List


Active Member
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Dallas, GA
So I purchased a 125-long to replace my 75-gallon and wanted to see what you guys thought of this stock list. The Fish in bold have been in the tank for a year or so, so they are good I think.
1x Yellow Tang
1x Purple Tang
1x Royal Gamma
3x Blue Chromis
1x Flame Angle
2x Clown Fish

Now here comes the fun part things I want to add.

1x Tomie Tang ( he's in my 75 Gallon )
1x Lawn Mower Blenny ( he's in my 75 Gallon )

2-3 different Wrasses ( Fairy and w/e else the wife likes)

Do you think the Tomie Tang will be too many tangs in a 125? If I did put them in it would be all at the same time.
3 tangs in 125 is not an issue. And if you are adding them at the same time even better. I just don’t think you can add all those fishes on the list at once due to massive bioload coming into newly established tank when transferred. I would add them slow as possible. With wrasses to be last. Loving the tank!

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The tomini is a different body type so they should not be tooooo aggressive. But if they are similar is size there will be fighting to establish the pecking order. Since all tangs are already established in your systems I dont see any issues beyond scuffles for a few weeks.

As for more of other fish. If they dont fight and your filtration is up to the load go for it.

Disclaimer though...I tend to pack fish in my tanks like its down town hong kong.
So another question. The rock is already cured but the sand is new. Would I have any issues putting these fish all in at once or should I do the tangs one week and some of the others the next and so on?
If the 75 is handling your load right now and your transferring the rock it will be fine. The sand is pretty much irrelevant.
If you think about..its nothing more than a 100% water change. Just make sure your nutrients don't bottom out.