This is one of those situations that will either make or break a new reefer. All aspects of my situation considered, I very much need your help to be one of the ones who make it! A few weeks ago I bought a couple new fish, a Valentini puffer and a tail spot blenny. Didn't have a QT tank (I know, incredibly stupid mistake #1), so into the display tank they went. About a week & a half ago, I noticed my royal gramma flashing. Still no QT, and I assumed flukes, so I decided to treat the whole tank with Prazipro. Still, the royal gramma died, followed by the blenny a few days later
. This, on top of the tomini tang mess, plus appointments, upcoming surgery, etc etc...I was too distracted and didn't pay close enough attention. Looking closely this morning, one of my clownfish looks "furry", and the puffer less vibrant in color and not looking so good. Can't really tell with my diamond goby, yellow rose goby, and fire fish, but I think my tank has a brooklynella outbreak! I don't know what to do, if I can do anything at all...please, help me! I don't have a good QT setup, just a spare 10 gallon tank. Plus I'm supposed to leave this afternoon for Newnan, with surgery scheduled early tomorrow morning and I won't be back until Friday. I'm going to lose all my fish, and I don't know if this effects my coral or not. Is there anything at all I can do, particularly with my limited time and resources? This is absolutely soul crushing.