20 gallon planted tank


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Wondering if I could get suggestions on a light fixture for my 20 gallon. I currently have a single 18" 15w fluorescent light going. This is fine for fish but I currently put plants into the tank and I am looking to upgrade the light just wondering if anyone had suggestions as to what to get. I am looking for something decent but wont break the bank.

Likely a used single T5 setup or a par38 led setup if you want to keep it fairly inexpensive.

Par 38
What kind of plants did you put in it? Is this a 20 long or 20 high, and do you have a canopy for it?
I have some moneywort, micro sword, cardinal plant, green hedge, and Anubias. Its a 20 gallon long and for the hood its a stander one I was thinking about building one but don't know where I would start.