So...Thursday was the day. I cleared my schedule. I declared it a home school holiday and had my older children watch my younger children for the day, so I could totally work on moving every thing over from my old system into the new one. The new system has been cycling for over 8 weeks now and I felt it was stable enough for the move. I gathered my dremel, glue, towels, buckets, water, supplies and said a prayer. I worked from eight in the morning untill late afternoon. By then, everything was super slimming and angry and my hands were a dried on glue covered, shriveled, mess.

Pure bliss
The next day, I did some tweeking and moving a few things. I think I have it where I am pretty happy with it now. My duncan colony is being a drama queen and not everything is back to pre-move happy but today everying looked much better.

I was able to use my dremel with a diamond wheel to cut through the rock just below where the large pink gonipora was attached to the rock. It took me just a minute and no flesh was harmed. It was the piece I was most worried about getting off the rock and moving. It is not back to its huge happy self but opening up some. The clowns are still snuggling it, even though it is pretty deflated.
And for this last picture...prepare yourself... and hear crickets chirping, as you see what is left of my old friend and 20 long of four years...

Good bye old tank and hello new begining...