2020 Growout Competition - Encrusting SPS

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Your first is a cyphastrea which would be perfect (and is the first coral listed in the rules). The second appears (to me at least) to be an acro of some kind. It has encrusted the base and is just starting to send up and out branches. Looks like it will be a nice stick some day but I'm not sure it qualifies as an encruster.
I agree with both ID’s. Meant to reply earlier, but busy at work.

Love that Cyphastrea though!
It’s still early in the year, and plenty of time to grow a new encrusting SPS frag! I think this contest has a lot of potential, so I’m willing to extend the deadline a week or so for any late entries. So choose a nice Monti, Lepto, or Cyphastrea, glue it down, and take a photo ;)

To spice things up, I’ll also include an additional (non-coral) prize if we can get 4 more submissions. Happy reefing!
This is top down Pic not sure why it’s plating on the back. I guess corals just do what they want!!C5209581-912D-414C-B392-23CAEBE03ABE.jpeg
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