20g long mixed reef

The Nuvo40 was a complete impulse buy. I have been in the market for a smaller aio frag tank and the Nuvo40 popped up for $75. There are a couple cracks on the corners, but I don't think they affect the integrity of the tank very much. I'll have to get some pics up once I get it clean too get some opinions.

Now that I have a second tank, I'm thinking of transitioning the 20L into a sps dominate tank, and moving most of the LPS and softies over to the 40g once it's ready.

I was thinking of leaving the 20L fallow as a quarantine tank, but I built the 20L with its sump, filtration, refugium and rockwork with fish keeping in mind. I've been so excited to eventually see fish sticking out of all the nooks and crannies that I left available.

I have two gonis that are currently struggling to stay alive. One might be fine as it's probably just a short tentacle variety and isn't supposed to extend. The other, is a long tentacle variety and hasn't been open since the first day I got it. If both of these start thriving and looking healthy, then I'll will probably start collecting more. If they die, I'll probably collect more anyways... who knows.


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Ahh just give into it 😀
Well, that didn't take long. Bumped into AquaSD's Chinese New Year sale and bought 9 Gonis for $200. I'm most likely gonna end up grabbing more, but I don't know where I'm gonna put them all.

I need to get started on cleaning this new tank ASAP!


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Well, that didn't take long. Bumped into AquaSD's Chinese New Year sale and bought 9 Gonis for $200. I'm most likely gonna end up grabbing more, but I don't know where I'm gonna put them all.

I need to get started on cleaning this new tank ASAP!
You should just start planning your next tank/tank upgrade. Maybe 250-300 gallons?😀
Hmmm...so it seems like the emerald crab that I had gotten to take care of my bubble algae, starved itself to death by not eating bubble algae. The only time it ate any bubble algae was when I was manually plucking the algae and the crab got some bits of it.

Stopped by Pure Reef and got another one today, also grabbed a Tiger Pistol Shrimp. I was on the fence about picking up the shrimp because I often have frags on my sandbed. Hopefully it won't be too much of an issue.

The shrimp immediately got to work building it's burrow, which was pretty cool. I lost track of the crab as soon as I put it in.

I did fail to acclimate them both, so fingers crossed that they stay alive. I usually do a temp/drip acclimate on the inverts, but it just slipped my mind this time.

Some of the SPS that i added seem to be acclimating well, some not so well. I don't think my tank is quite ready for the Acropora, oh well. Maybe I'll try some Millepora for a while and hope they do well.
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I'm 1 out of 4 on emeralds. They all seemed industrious until they died so I don't know what the deal is with them.
However none of them touched the bubble algae...honestly they looked too small to even try.
I'm 1 out of 4 on emeralds. They all seemed industrious until they died so I don't know what the deal is with them.
However none of them touched the bubble algae...honestly they looked too small to even try.
That's what I noticed about my first one. I was hoping that if I got a smaller one, it wouldn't have grown a taste for coral. It seems the smaller size was too small for my bubble algae. The one I got this time is a lil bigger, hopefully it will do better with the bubble algae. I really want to avoid adding Vibrant or Flux. I hear the foxface is also good at dealing with bubble algae, but my tank is a bit small for it.
Success! This new crab's claws are like 2-3x the size of the first one's claws. I just found it and it's already ripping up bubble algae. Hopefully it sticks to it! I need my rock space. It seems the bubble algae is stopping my clove polyps from spreading.
Ugh...I think I just lost this bright orange hammer. Was pulling it off the plug to mount onto a rock. Wasn't careful enough, and lost 15-20 polyps through the force.
Hopefully it'll recover.

A few of the acropora are also in decline. Doesn't look like the Walt Disney or the purple rain are gonna make it. Unsure about the bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd. Froot loops, pc rainbow, and vivid's rainbow delight are doing great. There is expanding growth coming out of the base on all of those. Cali Tort and Tricolor valida look like they are doing fine. Not much growth, but they're also newer, likely still acclimating.
Where did you find a dan aykroyd frag?
Got it from TopShelfAquatics

I saw that someone else on here also wanted one of those. It doesn't seem to be in decline. The higher end acros seem to have a bit slower growth and acclimation period.

20220117_164607.jpgThis is 3 weeks ago, close to when i first got it.

20220206_195503.jpgThis is now.

Looks like there is a lil bit of growth at the base.
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Been looking back at some old photos and comparing growth. I'm amazed at some of the growth rates, quicker than i expected.

Vivid's Rainbow Delight

PC Rainbow
20220106_173811 1.jpg01/06/2021

Fruity Pebbles


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Bright Orange Hammer is recovering, Acros are doing well. I had an alkalinity spike a couple weeks ago (It went up 1 dkh and was there for about 12 hours before I turned off the doser). Hopefully I don't see a die off in a month, but I'm expecting some deaths.

Some of the new Gonis are still acclimating. Lost one that didn't travel well, and also lost two that I had before which were not doing well.

Stopped by ReefShac and got a few hermit crabs and a couple more torches.

Overall, everything seems to be happy. There's just two of the Gonis that haven't really opened up much since they arrived but are definitely alive at the moment.

P.S. - I hate that emerald crabs love to perch on the stalks of euphyllia.
Wow, I lost a lot shortly after those last pictures.

6 months later........
I got through my quarantine and added 3 fish. No new additions to the tank for about 90 days, then added a Lawnmower Blenny, Royal Gramma, and a Yellow Watchman Goby from Dr. Reef.