29 gallon Biocube


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Just a forewarning, this thread may be more of a story then a typical build thread. If I haven't scared you away already, continue reading.

Tomorrow I will be setting up my 29 gallon biocube. I started reefing early this year, and so far it has been a lot of trial and error. My first reef tank was (or rather is) an eight gallon biocube. I got the 8g used around the same time I got the 29g new, in February. Most know that a nano is a harder tank, but aside from a little cyano that I'm battling recently the 8g has been doing fine, despite my constant rule breaking. I'm just going to be blunt and honest, I don't have a lot of money. I have spent way more than I can justify and it doesn't even scratch the surface of what some of you have spent in this hobby. However, I need something too. It just so happens that more appropriate and affordable hobbies do not interest me as much.

So I decided, as irrational of a decision as it may have been, I'm going large. Well, maybe more of what you would consider medium. Somewhere between 75 and 120 gallons. So I started collecting odds and ends for that tank, and set up a 40 breeder frag tank. Frag tank failed miserably. It's full of bryopsis and zoanthid eating nudibranchs. In the future, this will be my QT setup ;). All the while, this 29 biocube is doing next to nothing. I had a AOwLR tank going. It was aiptasia only with LR.

The other day I finally acquired a stand for it. I'm gonna set it up, for real, try not to mess this one up and just have a nice little tank that I can be proud of. I have to set aside my desire to have a large tank for now. If I had opened up a savings account and deposited what I have spent in this hobby already, then maybe I could make it work. But that would have been too smart!

Anyway, If I have caught your interest so far, or we happen to be friends, stick around for this thread. I'll be needing your advice. And of course, I'm not gonna leave ya'll hanging, I do have one picture for you. This is the tank, and the current shape of my "fish room". This is the room that I used to relax and watch TV and play video games in. Maybe you can understand why my girlfriend is so frustrated with me right now.
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Let's all hope that I get some serious work done tonight and tomorrow. That's all for now

I've made some progress! Tomorrow I acquire 60+ lbs of LR With soft corals attached. 30 lbs or so will go in here. The rest.. ?
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Nice stand.
I love my Biocube , but I'll say I was just as UN happy with the stock lighting as everyone else , I had some idea it would suffice but ....NO.. I'm currently working at getting all mine replaced with led , I molested a light from my pico (i did precisely what you did) 6 3w led with 60 degree lenses , so in that area everything thrives but the outer ring is bear.
Looking at a dyi setup and doing all the soldering myself I can outfit it with another 15 or so leds 3w + dimmer and constent current star boards etc I can do it all for the price of bulbs +15-20$ , also is gutt the filtration inthe back remove false floors and run macro algae , the pree filter bio balls and bio sponge are all nitrate traps loos them put the heater in chamber 3 with the pump and in chamber 1 I run the aqua life 115 skimmer , its small fits in the back its tight but everything closes , I got my skimmer from another member here but you can buy one for around 50$ its so worth it really. The biocube is super easy and clean to deal with.
Congrats on the bigger tank you will love it once its going.
Last but not least , this is cheap and easy 10minet job 16-18$ .Replace the loud stock fans.
The best ones are the silenex 60mm x 60mm x 25mm its 100% silent and increased air flow .
There pc fans inside there is a plug on the stock fans (2 prong) clip it off and clip the 3 prong off new fans (all your doing is retrofitting the new fans with the old plug so it can plug right in to the module.
Those are typically the common upgrades ppl do , if you have any questions about the bc just ask , iv had mine all torn apparent to see how it ticks , and I can explain the circuit boards inside if you'd like to add more moonlight or led etc , or I ca show ya how to put your fans on your moonlight instead of stock lights so it can run cooler if need be.
Good luck.
And once your all switched over and want to sell that 8Gbc let me know I want a seahorses tank.

What ya got going on in the planted tank over on the wall ???

Edit: Nice stand.
I love my Biocube , but I'll say I was just as in happy with the stock lighting as everyone else , I had some idea it would suffice but ....NO.. I'm currently working at getting all mine replaced with led , I molested a light from my pico (i did precisely what you did) 6 3w led with 60 degree lenses , so in that area everything thrives but the outer ring is bear.
Looking at a dyi setup and doing all the soldering myself I can outfit it with another 15 or so leds 3w + dimmer and content
Yeah I ditched the bioballs and sponge I'm gonna run LR rubble in the middle chamber. I actually just took the hood off to clean it though. In the first pictures I was just showing how much of a WRECK my fish room was earlier and theres some random stuff laying around that might have made you think I was doing an upgrade, but with the hood off I did start looking at the taotronics LEDS thinking hmmm.... I could easily build a shelf type deal hand those and call it a day. It's nothin' fancy in here anyways, I could get over the hinges and the inner rim on the top of the tank being exposed but heres the thing.. I'm not planning on putting any SPS in here really and as far as pop goes, Marineland makes a bad *** little led clip on light that is totally invisible inside the rim of a normal tank and will barely fit on the front facing side rim of the biocube. They come in blue or white or both mine is all blue and it makes my corals POP in the frag tank (when I have it on which is rarely because I haven't been adding more light than what I need with the bryopsis going on). I have a feeling that the PC lights plus my marineland accent bar will make me happy, if not, I have the taotronics. I could even hang the 250w MH w/ T5s if I wanted to do SPS. Like I said, it's nothin fancy in here and its just for my own enjoyment so a simple shelf with 2 brackets would suffice functionally to hang anything I wanted. As far as modifying the hood, I haven't even thought twice about it. I've hooked up a computer fan to a phone charger before that's simple enough, and an upgrade I very well may do in the future, but the tank is out of the bedroom now and next to the frag tank which is super loud any way.

Tomorrow we break down my brother's 55 reef and I have purchased all the livestock, so I won't have much of a cycle. It will essentially be a tank downgrade, and I'm going to have to try to make a scape with LR covered in soft corals already. So When I update I'll already have some corals and a few aiptasia to nuke but not worried about that the rock is algae free and that is what I really care about. I'll just hit it with some aiptasia x no big deal. Overall I'm pretty happy with the placement of the tank, my couch is on the opposite wall from the frag tank so I have a good view of the biocube after I sit down when I come in here to relax.

The whole lighting thing is up in the air for me still. over all I'm like $280 in this tank so I'm not really worried about having overpaid for underpowered lights. Throw in some LPS and softies and call it a day. I have a drilled 40 breeder to set up for SPS and the undrilled one w HOB will become quarantine, then one day everything will go in my big mixed reef.

I know who to PM if I do decide to modify it and I will let you know about the 8 gallon. I'm undecided about that too, I got a pair of firefish for it (for $10 no big deal) was thinking about letting it run. Just replaced the bulbs too. I'll think about it
I understand what your saying lighting wise , but the stock won't grow lps , it really won't grow more than mushrooms and palys and even they grow slow.
I did a tank brrakdown and setup in a day , use biospira its your friend.
Good luck with it all
Thanks and yeah he has a bottle of bacteria too can't remember what brand maybe stability I'll def grab that. Maybe I'll hang the LEDs. Havent had any problems with the pc bulbs in the 8g got sour apple birdsnest, trumpets, frogspawn, acan, duncans even a bubble tip all in there lol (and more it's an overstocked little tank) and no they dont grow really but the duncans put out like 4 new heads maybe the frogspawn put out a new head think that's about it. Nothing compared to my MH/T5. Tomorrow I'm gonna put the stock hood back on because his corals are all under the same amount of PC too so it will ease the light acclimation while I get everything in order. I'll probably wind up with the taotronics over the tank if I have problems and possibly look into buying a hood upgrade kit. We shall see!
The depth kills the effectiveness of the lighting , if you put frag racks about 2/3 up you can keep acans and duncans do ok but since I got mine under the led's iv gotten 3 baby heads .
You may be ok if you put plugs in the rock work and such .
The lighting Will suffice for a bit , but bulbs need replacing every 8-10months so when you eventually reach that point the switch is easy and cost effective .
The only thing I'd urge is the skimmer , I do weekly water change but I still get a lot of skimate , every little bit helps in this game.
I never would have considered a skimmer on my pico just because even the smallest were to large but there are a few that fit the back. Don't bother with a coralife Biocube skimmer it makes for a stupid looking paper weight , other than that its useless.
HOLY bajeebus I have a lot of work to do today. Any idea how long rock survives out of water?

Acclimating fish corals inverts rock the whole 9 yards all in buckets and tubs right now. The rocks are not in water, the rest is. Setting up another 29g tank for the rock have to make water and heat it fast! grabbed the bottle of stability.
Well today was a TON of work, but it was fun. I actually just typed a long post, accidentally left the page, and can't recover the text with the back button.

Long story. Showed up at my brother's early, broke down his tank. Packed the fish and corals in buckets and the LR in a storage bin. Got home, cherry picked a purple fan gorgonian, snails and crabs, and a huge peppermint shrimp and put them in my 8g for safe keepin'. Vinegar soaked a bunch of stuff (heaters, pumps, etc) that I would need today.

Set up a 29g tank (had to make the water) on the floor for the LR. Overall it was out of the water for about 2 hours. Didn't bother hauling out the stand, because I don't plan on leaving this tank set up for long.
Set up a temp home for the corals (mostly softies) and fish (bunch of damsels pretty much) in the storage bin. Bubbler, and heater. Might stick a powerhead in there if they stay much longer but they should be out tomorrow.
Took a trip to ATL Aquarium and got some salt. Normally I'm a RC guy but I got IO and already have some nano part a and b. WOW. If you haven't been lately, go. Go tomorrow while the salt is on sale.
Filling the biocube and then getting some sleep. More work after real work tomorrow.

Took some pics. Fish room is a wreck again. Gotta get through the bad, the cords, and the ugly to get to the good.
setting up LR holding tank
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Rock. Some good pieces in there, not that orange/pink crap you see on top
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Almost there
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Done for the night! Kinda.
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My pics have been crappy (image quality lol) I can take better ones. Nothin' to see really yet. Just sharin' my experience with ya..
There is a big dead piece of sps on a rock in the 2nd pic rite on top , it looks cool , you should glue some zoes to it before you stick it back in it would look sweet covered in some bright colors perched in tha pile.
Yeah that was a Goniopora I believe. I actually pulled that out and tossed it in the "LR rubble" bucket. " I have a 5 gallon bucket full of skeletons and small rocks (not coral I killed lol I got them as skeletons). It is the go to frag mounting stuff for what I want to keep. I know people like plugs, but I'm not fond of the look outside the frag tank. That would look sweet covered in zoas! I might gring out the sharp edges and do that actually, I have a clam shell I was planning on making a "dome" zoa colony on
Just to update the stacking of the rocks still hasn't happened as I have been pretty easy. But the chilling out room is starting to look way more chill! Got everything ready to go, gonna lay the rock out on the table there so my buddy and I can see it really good to see which pieces we want to use and make a decent scape. Also picked up some new sand, I really like it it is called Bahamas oolite. It's black with red and white. I like it a lot better than the Hawaiian black hopefully I didn't make a bad decision and get the magnetic stuff!

Just hangin out with Tom (my cat), Sally (my beagle) and Emma (my girlfriend who is very happy that I cleaned up the fish room)
Nothing exciting but pictures every update!

And oh yeah, some of you guys might know my buddy who is coming to help me stack my rocks.. His name is Dylan Carter. Ever heard of him?

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Bahamas Oolite (cant really see it good)
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Sally girl
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Sand bag (put it in a bucket and dosed stability)
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The good stuff happens tomorrow after work!
Just about bud!

Forgot this pic, lol, it's a lot of stuff that people would not pay much for or give away but I paid $30 for all of it (and a bunch of crabs and snails, a large cleaner shrimp, the rocks you see in the tub themselves as well part of that $30, and some more stuff as will like a 500w pro heater part of that) and there is a nice leather in there that you can't see, some gorgonians, and a sweet zoa colony that is pretty large (bout 8" across). There is a bunch of shrooms but they got so timy and it looks like a bunch of them fell off the rocks. I've just had 2 airstones in here (removed for pic) but it seems to be working OK. Sure theres a lot of teal palys and kenya tree, but hey. It's coral. I Might not put the teal paly's in the tank though.. lol.
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OK I need some advice! Had some a whole bunch of bristleworms die off the rock, free amonia is at .05 mg/L and nitrite is at .1 ppm currently. So when the readings are good which order would you introduce these fish in.

Bonded pair Snowflake clowns (small/med)
Bonded pair firefish goby
Exquisite fairy wrasse (Small)

Or, can they not go together in a 29 biocube? The firefish and fairy wrasse live together peacefully in my frag tank with a large female saddleback. Neon dottyback didn't make the cut.. He would have killed the firefish if I didn't pull him out.
I have 1 clown oc , 1 lawnmower blenny , a pj cardinal , a 6 line and a dottyback in mine I think your ok , what fish is more aggressive if any , I'd put thatone in last.
Maybe the clowns first then the fire fish followed by the fairy wrasse.

Are you planning to keep your rock in the bin long , if so give the tub a pwr head , that will help loads , and prevent stagnant water possibly killing all those treasurees you scarfed up.
I got my big cleaner and the majority of my cuc the same way , and don't be overly concerned over bristol worms , if there dieing good just snag them out , but remember there an effective part of your sand bed cleaner crue , and your wrasse will have a ball hunting them .
Dude it's a surprising amount of bristle worms. Like hundreds dead on the bottom. I left them in to see if the rocks are doing their job. I want to see ammonia undetectable, lower nitrites, and then I will test for nitrate. The worms wont make their way into the biocube when the rock is moved tomorrow. I almost thought to put this on hold, possibly even sell the tank, and buy a 90g for sale by another member, but I will proceed with this one for now.

The exquisite fairy is the most peaceful fish I have. They not typical wrasses. They don't eat you CUC either. The neon dottyback is by far the most aggressive fish that I have and he will not be going in the 29, in fact, as much as I hate it, he might be finding a new home soon, as his spot in the frag tank has been replaced by a fish that has just lost it's partner and been in the family for years. I'd like to keep it as a sentiment. I got into this hobby because my brother was in it (and it fascinates me)

I guess I'm just unsure of who to place in first out of the two pairs. Clowns or firefish? I do have a powerhead to put in the tub. It seems to be getting just enough</em> flow to not cause a problem before tomorrow though.

I think you answered my question, but you compared the temperament of my wrasse to yours. Lol. a 6 line is way more aggressive than a fairy.. maybe that's why they call it a fairy LOL.
The only fish that attacks me is the larger snowflake. She must be the most aggressive. They will be added last. I'm still short on a grazer though. I need a good small one..

Edit: by the way thank you for preventing me from talking to no one/myself in this thread. I appreciate you taking the time
Sure thing bro.
My dottyback and 6 line are both best buds , everything iv read about them says it will end up bringing my problem fish , when I bought my Biocube I drained it on the spot and took it home to find a dottyback like mine but bigger in the bottom or chamber 3 with the return pump. I called the guy and he said he hadent seen it for 3 weeks & assumed it dead. My wrasse went in first an he killed the other one that night but hasn't hurt anything since.
He tried to bully the 6 line but that lasted a day , now they go on pod hunts together.
I wish it wasn't an issue keeping more than one id have more .
The only aggressive creature I have is my skunk pistol shrimp , I added 4 peppermint shrimp today and I watched one get to close and he came barreling out like a bull clicking both claws , I had a crab I forget what kind , it was in the porcelain family , it was aggressive to everything in the tank and the pistol layed him out cold within 24 hours , if creatures make through day 1 were usually ok.
I doubt my firefish would have made it 2 more hours with the dottyback. He was really attacking then. It all depends on the personality of the fish and the size of the tank. I just read that my wrasse needs a 70 gallon tank even though they are small wrasses and peaceful.

I guess there is either an upgrade or a rehousing in her future. She seems fine in the 40 breeder.. Probably way more happy with a sandbed and more rocks in the 29 but I don't want to stress her out.