3 Cichlids, Sick Moray, and a Pleco


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I have had a low maintenance 55 gallon cichlid tank for 3 years now. Last night my 24 inch moray (Gymnothorax tile) I have had for 2 years turned a mottled white with labored breathing late last night and was dead this morning. I have read in quite a few places that 24 inches is pretty much their max size in captivity, so i am not sure if it died from old age.

Tank params are fine and feeding has not changed. At the same time, my longest owned cichlid has been constipated a week, so I gave him a high salinity bath and fed him peas after seeing the moray was ill last night. No change with the constipated cichlid or other fish today, so I am pretty sure the cichlid is just constipated, but I am stumped about the moray. Does anyone have any thoughts on the moray?

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Modified to add that my cichlids have been beating up my thermometer and it broke a couple of days ago. The red fluid never leaked, but the glass and weights were in the tank bottom.