30 Gallon Rimless Deep Blue Pro Dimensions


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Does anyone have a 30 gallon rimless deep blue professional that they can get the exact outside dimensions on? I know it is 24"x24"x12" but I need the exact outer dimensions.
It can be in the back left or back right depending on how you turn it, but I was told that when the overflow is in the back left corner the front face is low-iron glass. Not really sure about that, but that's what a guy who I met once at a LFS told me.
Typically, you would have a full sheet of glass on what is considered the the "front" of the tank, with the side glass edges butting up against and behind it it, which looks the best. Seen that way, the Deep Blue overflow would be correctly situated in the back left corner.

But in all practicality, you can have the overflow in the back left or right if you don't mind seeing the siliconed edges of what would become your front pane of glass with the overflow on the back right.
Acroholic;925285 wrote: Typically, you would have a full sheet of glass on what is considered the the "front" of the tank, with the side glass edges butting up against and behind it it, which looks the best. Seen that way, the Deep Blue overflow would be correctly situated in the back left corner.

But in all practicality, you can have the overflow in the back left or right if you don't mind seeing the siliconed edges of what would become your front pane of glass with the overflow on the back right.

That is correct, that is correct!
I just ordered a new one and I'm building a stand. That's why I needed dimensions.