500 gallon Tank is on the stand!

james s_

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Whoa! I'm gonna be mad when you get water in yours before I do in mine!!! I've got an idea, why don't you finish up this document review and program evaluation for me and present the findings to our clients this week while I work on catching up on my tank build? (a man can dream, right?). I hate it when work gets in the way of aquarium fun!
Document review and program evaluation,ummmm I'll pass.How much does this pay again? :0)
46bfinga wrote: Document review and program evaluation,ummmm I'll pass.How much does this pay again? :0)

Yeah, um, not enough to keep up with my reef keeping expenditures....
Thanks Guys ,I still have a long way to go. I thought this day would never come.
very very nice... Once it's up and running you should start charging admission. I know I'd pay :p. Is it going to be viewable from one of the sides?
You can charge my admission fee to FutureInterest as well. So what's your next step? Finish the drywall or leak test the system? :)
FutureInterest wrote: very very nice... Once it's up and running you should start charging admission. I know I'd pay :p. Is it going to be viewable from one of the sides?

It's going to be viewable from just one side in the bar area( My next project),then three sides in the fish room.
Wow- very nice.

One question, though - I see that it's clear between the tank and the overflow area. Do you plan to keep it this way? If so, it'll look a little funny when water is flowing over the back...
kappaknight wrote: You can charge my admission fee to FutureInterest as well. So what's your next step? Finish the drywall or leak test the system? :)

Next step is install a few shims to tighten up some spots on the plywood base.Then leak test the tank for a week or so and see where i'm at with the stand.If everything works out then I will continue on with the plumbing and electrical for the room,then drywall,insulation,sealing the stand,and the list goes on.......I figure I'll get some actual saltwater in the tank in a month or two depending on my work schedule.
mojo wrote: Wow- very nice.

One question, though - I see that it's clear between the tank and the overflow area. Do you plan to keep it this way? If so, it'll look a little funny when water is flowing over the back...

Good question,Im going to leave it clear for testing purposes.Ive decided to paint them before I begin adding the RO water.Kinda ugly to look at.I sort of wish the rear was clear and the front panel was black instead.That way I could see in there good to clean them out from the fish room.
It was an honor to help you lift it! :thumbs: I can't wait to see it finished. It will be spectacular.

It was good to meet you and your wife. The 40-breeder sump is going to work out good for my tank.
Try to use shims made out of a hardwood perferably oak, they will not compress as badly as some of the softer woods like pine. The shims they sell at hardware stores are made for shimming out doors and windows and may not be a hardwood, if you can put a good indention in it with your fingernail, then you might not want to use it. It will just compress over time a small amount with that much weight on it. My 2 cents.
gamecock wrote: It was an honor to help you lift it! :thumbs: I can't wait to see it finished. It will be spectacular.

It was good to meet you and your wife. The 40-breeder sump is going to work out good for my tank.

I appreciate your help,glad to hear the sump will work out.